the way you have laid it all out Miri, it just is so eminently plausible. To such an extent you think to yourself 'wow, if they read this it'll really throw a spanner in their works'. But actually, they couldn't care less. They just boldly bowl on, secure in the knowledge that even though the truth has always been out there, only a tiny number are interested. I saw a video today from ten years ago, about how 9/11 was an inside, job, the role of Israel, and corrupt politicians, but I'd never seen it before cos it just gets no publicity, and more pertinently, most people just aren't interested. The fact they go to the trouble of telling us what they are going to do in bold neon lights, and we still don't wake up, it wrecks your head a bit. How can they be so brazen, and we so fast asleep. At that point you do start to think in spiritual terms, and whether there is some sort of spell going on.

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Thank you, Kevin, and that is always my hope - if they realise enough people have twigged what the plan is, they might have to abandon it! Though as you say, it really doesn't seem to bother them if we work out what they're doing since they so blatantly tell us... And there is absolutely no doubt that spells and black magic are a big part of this. After all, 'maga' is the Latin word for witch!

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"... 'maga' is the Latin word for witch"

Indeed it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUFXaPzG1xg

Had you never "gone there" - I am referring to your article (https://miriaf.co.uk/i-promised-we-would-go-there-and-we-will/) about the celebrity inverted couples, that brought me here as a paying subscriber - I would never consider even mentioning that little factoid. Of course the aforementioned channel, along with a few others, is a CIA operation, otherwise it wouldn't last five minutes on YouTube. It throws in obvious nonsense in the mix, flat earth and so on, in order to maintain a "fringe" conspiracy look. Still, I'd say 80% of its transvestigations are legit. The one about "Donald" and her poor kids looks somewhat - purposefully? - botched but once you have trained you eye for the telltale signs, you can see it all for yourself. It's the biggest can of worms you will ever open in your lifetime and everything else hinges on it. It's *not* fringe.

I apologize in advance if this comment is a bit hard to swallow for your readership and/or a bad rap for your excellent Substack.

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Thanks, as you know I'm entirely open to EGI and wouldn't be at all surprised about Trump.

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My search came up with sorceress which amounts to the same. Indeed, the events we are in are spiritual in essence. The ages long warfare between the Divine and the fallen realm. The war has been won by the former but there are battles still to come pending the final coup de gras.

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Which means Elon Musk is really female? Enchantress, my Google search revealed!

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I have entertained this possibility! He has an unusually "pretty" face for a 50-year-old man...

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I've always thought he has a slightly odd looking face, not exactly 'pretty' in my view, but strange!! Anyway, this could be the explanation!

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I so think we may be being bewitched. We certainly, if we are Christian, need to pray for discernment.

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Huxley gave a 30 minute speech to the Tavistock Institute talking about the use of terrorism by the State, it was a necessary tool to get the people to consent to changes. If they are in constant fear or confused they will consent. It's for their own good! The usual Hagelian Dialectic stuff. It's been used for thousands of years, by all forms of government and religious groups, you know, you're going to hell unless you follow our lead & we'll get you a place in heaven etc.. Fear gets you control! And 9/11 was the ultimate shock, fear & confusion operation that got control & consent to do the most heinous acts around the world. Huxley said 20% of the people would think for themselves but that didn't matter because the state could turn the other 80% against them.

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Kevin, 9/11 is a very, very, very multi-layered operation designed to fragment and bamboozle the disbelievers of the story.

The quote that most applies to 9/11 in my opinion is from Orwell:

"All propaganda is lies even when one is telling the truth."

"Israel did it!" is propaganda even though, of course, Israel was involved ... but then so was every man and his dog including my own Prime Minister, John Howard, who just happened to be paying a "surprise" visit to Washington DC on the fateful day.

They wanted the disbelievers focused on Israel and thinking that "outside" Israelis brought the buildings down because it's hard to get your head around US citizens cold-bloodedly and callously killing their fellow citizens in that way. I KNOW that is the propagandistic intent because I swallowed it hook, line and sinker ... until I didn't. They didn't need to get outsiders to do the dastardly deed ... because there was no dastardly deed. That is not how they do their psyops. If they wanna kill people they will (as they're doing now) but if they only want us to BELIEVE in people's deaths then categorically they don't kill them in a psyop because it would be antithetical to psyop MO. Psyop MO is to maximise the dupery not minimise it. If they kill people for real, where's the dupery? - they have removed an important element of it for no good reason - they certainly don't need to kill people for real to make us believe in their deaths. Absolutely not!

Moreover, it was impracticable to the point of impossible to kill people on 9/11. 9/11 was a demolition job and in demolition jobs they FULLY evacuate the buildings and surrounding areas, they don't PARTLY evacuate buildings, especially not for a TERROR S-T-O-R-Y. While they can get thousands upon thousands of health professionals to inject people with unbelievably toxic substances on the basis of over 200 years of medical and scientific fraud there's no basis for saying to demolition professionals: "Hey, we're doing a terror story and we want you to leave some of the people in the buildings for it, OK?" Not to mention all the media personnel, emergency responders, corporations, crisis actors, etc in the know.

I recommend two of my latest posts on my pet subject of 9/11. Shout out to Simon Shack et al over at cluesforum.info who worked out the fundamental truths of 9/11 at least as early as 2009, probably earlier and who were either entirely or partly responsible for my realisations of them.



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Hmmm … they evacuate buildings before controlled demolition ? … unless they don’t evacuate them… even IF the twin towers were fully evacuated many people lost their lives as a result of dust-related respiratory complications. I’m not sure it matters anyway. The buildings were blown up - fact. And not by Bin Laden - also a fact.

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"... unless they don't evacuate them."

"They" in this case can only be demolition professionals. What instance do you know of where demolition professionals have left people behind in buildings deliberately?

You need to think about the SENSE.

It's a PSYOP, it's about making you BELIEVE something, there's no indication that they WANTED to kill people. They didn't WANT to kill them, they only wanted you to BELIEVE that people were killed. They want to kill people now obviously but what are they telling us they're doing? They're telling us they're saving them.

We don't know if many people lost their lives as a result of dust-related respiratory complications because we can anticipate that for the propaganda campaign targeted to the anticipated disbelievers they will be pushing, "Yeah, we're evil we killed the people in the buildings and we killed others with the dust." I remember seeing a testimony from a first responder who seemed to be dying from the dust but in retrospect I think he may well have been dying from some kind of respiratory thing that occurred in his work ... it just wasn't due to 9/11. And there was a woman who was supposed to be dying from a dust-related issue who was definitely a crisis actor.

The 118 firefighter "oral" testimonies are clearly fabricated and there are many, many actors in the 9/11 story. So many.


At the same time, I cannot imagine that there weren't problems caused to people and I know someone who was in Manhattan midtownish so pretty far away and he felt the dust. For the vaccines they pushed out fake injured even though there are genuinely thousands upon thousands of injured - by mixing the real with genuine they confuse matters nicely.

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I think you’re right, Miri, in what you say. I’m afraid in an awful way I find it exciting but in every normal way I find it all utterly depressing. I find the world we’re now living in so topsy turvey, so upside down, so back to front that I hardly know where I am! God is my rock! Otherwise I’d drown!

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It's an interesting scenario you've laid out, but I'm skeptical. In fact, I'd put 5 shekels or satoshi or guineas or whatever funny-money you Brits circulate nowadays down on Polymarket against an early exit for the Don.

I think we're in more of a "cooling the mark" script, myself. The Don will throw his base some minor bones, all the important issues will be covered up with fake non-solutions, lots of compromises and "deals" will be made along the way, and his fans will push through their cognitive dissonance and dutifully ignore their own betrayal.

It's a very long game they're playing and the Don's not even close to being used up yet. There will be time for Vance to show whether he's Pence 2.0 or DeSantis Beta Test or whatever.

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We were shown Soylent Green at school back in the 1970s. Once seen never forgotten.

Thank you for this article - I think as usual you have put your finger on it!

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Let's hope RFH is right and we will have some good years before the deluge.

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The predictive planning was put in place long before it all went massively tits up. They've been way off script since 2021 and none of this is now likely to pan out as originally expected. I think what you're looking at here was plan A but we're now on plan W.

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I have an alternative explanation. All the wailing and gnashing has an important function. It proves to the Left that they were really and truly beaten, and it pays the Right its pound of schadenfreude. It's a token of exchange.

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Trump may be the first president to "succumb" to the latest dreaded monkey pox (or whatever the latest scam is) and this will lead to the next money making population reducing vaxx to be forced upon the public. Retire from public theatre with a big wadge of cash. Gets Vance into power.

Putting this out there in the hope this kyboshes their plans . Hope I'm wrong.

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My greatest fear for the future is forced vaccines or no access to CBDC or life as we know it. I am thinking they will have fake vax passports covered, let's see!

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Also in the Handmaid's Tale women's bank accounts were frozen and access to funds was only available after a transfer to a male relative. The women of Gilead were not allowed to read books either. I have read quite a few Margaret Atwood's books and most are Dystopian and eerily prophetic. The Heart Goes Last is quite impactive with a story around society in chaos and such as live euthanasia for organ harvesting - i.e the heart goes last!

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Old Rurik Skywalker/Tomahawk/Five Wolves/Rollo-fella/whatever; is usually all about Ukraine-Russia-Military minutiae, (yeah that old chestnut), and people of a certain, shall we say, religious denomination, actually ruling the world, (hmm: hackneyed, cliched, but seriously - click bait-y ))!! However, my boy has pushed a huge elephant into; the vote rigging room, which, I thought was full to bursting with elephants of all shapes and sizes…. Already.

I mean, what happened: did the deepState boys slope off for some coffee, like - take there eyes off the ball for three minutes; and suddenly, The Orange One’s back in the game. Honestly.!! I despair.!!

And the frightening thing isn’t: any spooky comparisons in The handmaiden’s Tale. Or, a prescient muttering from one of the presenters of Cash in the Attic, no. It’s the millions of half wit - hard of thinking types, who believe Trump has been fairly ‘ELECTED’. And, will drain the swamp; square everything up; and .. is now in a position to - expose the deep state boys, and hang ‘em out to dry… Gullible.! Naive.! Gaslighted.! Excruciatingly simple minded… and, that’s just me !.🤷‍♀️

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