This is the (slightly edited) comment I made under this podcast on Locals:

I loved this interview, as James and Miri interact very well together. Her theories seem to me very convincing and I will not be surprised if she proves to be correct on virtually everything. However, I have one query with regard to Trump's potential/probable assassination: how will they hide/disappear him, where will he go and how will they shut him up?! He is quite a memorable figure, as well as being actually quite tall!

With regard to Iran, Miri will know (from comments I have made under her articles) that I don't altogether agree with her views. I listen to Vanessa Beeley, who is very knowledgeable about this whole area of the Middle East and has (if my memory is serving me correctly) travelled there and knows people who do. She says (and I really hope I'm not totally muddling this up with somewhere else, but I'm pretty sure I'm not) that the idea of Iran being so tough on dress etc and the people being so unhappy is a Western construct put about to cause division and make them seem like the baddies in any future conflict. (Added by me now: On the other hand I know that they persecute Christians.)

One other query is to do with the role of Russia in a possible war: isn't Russia largely either Orthodox (ie Christian) or atheist (but when we visited Russia in 2014 and 2017 we found the churches pretty crowded)? Putin has restored the Orthodox church to prominence within Russia, restored their landholdings (confiscated by the Reds), etc. In addition, he has been upholding Christian ethics within Russia. How will this fit with them being allied to China (atheist) and Iran (Muslim) in any potential war?

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Thank you, Priscilla, glad you liked it! With regards to Trump, if we think of him simply as an actor in a role (possibly wearing prosthetics and a wig), then what happens to him when he's "assassinated" - e.g., when filming (or shooting - !) wraps - is the same as what happens to any actor when they conclude a movie. They stop acting in character and move on to the next project. In his case, being nearly 80, I don't think he'll go on to another acting role, but will have his appearance adjusted (either the removal of prosthetics and/or plastic surgery) so he's not so recognisable, and then will go off to some nice island somewhere (maybe with Michael Mosley...) to enjoy a luxury retirement. Whether Melania goes with him depends on whether that is a legitimate relationship and not just for show / strategy etc. She may be contracted to play his wife for a certain amount of time and when that contract is expired she's free to do her own thing.

I can't say for 100% certain that you're wrong about Iran,. having never been there personally and having to rely largely on information from screens - but I did know an Iranian family growing up who had fled the regime so there are certainly real Iranians very against what is going on there. The real issue in determining what might happen with Iran, however, is looking at how Iran is being represented in the mainstream, and whether people accept that representation as real (which they largely seem to). If they do, then are we being set up to be highly sympathetic to a war with Iran (especially if they "assassinate" Trump)? The answer seems to be obviously yes.

It's a good question about Russia, and they do not seem an obvious ally of either Iran or China, for the reasons you state. So I think we will just have to watch and wait to see how that one plays out. But I certainly think that Putin, like all world leaders, is "in the club" and not to be trusted.

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Thanks for all that, Miri. You're probably right about Trump, though, given the character he seems to be, I wouldn't think he would want to hide himself away, he seems to quite like (and actively court) publicity. But I suppose this could all change. Will be interesting to watch events unfold.

I can't be 100% sure about Iran either - you may well be right. But I totally agree with you that Iran is being set up to be big enemy number 1, which in itself makes one suspicious (especially when we know that the CIA/MI6 got rid of the parliamentary democracy headed up by PM Mohammad Mosaddegh and replaced it first of all with the shah and then, after a few years, with the Ayatollah Khomeini and his crew). As a Christian, I wouldn't normally be terribly sympathetic to a fundamentalist Muslim regime (and I can't say I exactly am), but we are currently navigating uncharted seas.

I think you're probably right about Putin's being 'in the club', though he seems so much better than many of the other world leaders, the only adult in the room, but I suppose this could be misleading and on purpose. I hate this not being able to trust anything/one at all!

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Very entertaining discussion thanks Miri. I love the way James tries to give you assignments 😄

I’ve only recently looked into the Tartarians, it’s a fascinating subject.

It was great to hear that you received lots of appreciation from the public at the Alistair Williams gig, it’s very well deserved 👍🏻

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Thank you, Mick, very much appreciated!

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Thankyou for this discussion.

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An excellent discussion Miri, thank you and for all your work

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‘Christian’ Delingpole’s star is slightly on the wane as far as I’m concerned - and has been for a while, I’m afraid. For one thing he seems to be such a breadhead! I guess he subscribes to your channel and so I guess he may well read this - so I must say I’m not trying to offend him - or - make things awkward. His self-described ‘very good’ podcasts (so cough up!) are surely in no small part reliant on his guests contributions? I doubt he would dispute that. This particular one with you (bearing that in mind) was very good indeed! So he’s kind of right isn’t he?! (And I do mean *slightly* on the wane.)

So….great work Ms Finch! And thanks.

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Thank you, Steve, glad you like it! It's true that James' podcasts are reliant on his guests, but to be fair, interviewing someone well is (I find at least) hard! I've tried it a few times, and it's much more challenging than being interviewed. James is really good at it, and is consistently able to bring the best out in his guests, which is not a skill that all interviewers possess (especially given his interviews typically last a minimum of an hour and a half).

The other great thing about James is he's one of the few "big names" who will engage with researchers with much smaller profiles and "put them on the map", as it were. His having me on the pod in the early days was crucial exposure for me, as I know it has been for other great, but not widely known, researchers such as Francis O'Neill and Alex Kriel. So I continue to tip (one of my many...) hats to him...

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Thank you for your friendly and EXTREMELY diplomatic response, Miri!

I’d missed out on Alex Kriel until your response. I try to catch all his interviews and writings now. Thanks. I’ve been following Francis for a while now.


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I stopped subscribing to him as although he gets great guests, I think he doesn't prepare well enough for them.

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Same here, really. I don’t know if it’s him specifically, or some kind of substack bottish override mechanism, but his posts now seem to employ that all too common teaser thing…..ie you can’t continue reading unless you cough up. I really DON’T like that! So I’ve recently unsubscribed him too - which is a shame because I quite like him and his writing. But there ya go …. I’m surviving.

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Yes, that was great. Even Q got mentioned, so kudos to you guys for that. Q3387 makes clear that it's an 8yr op due to end mid-2025, so most appear to have bailed early. I was surprised re your non-belief in space. James is great on most stuff, but a little too eager to buy into the 'everything is a lie' meme (imo). You can find fossils on the beach, so they are real. Background radiation from the Big Bang has been detected, galaxies are surely real, relativity is real ... heck even the moon landings were demonstrably real (again imo ... ask me to prove it). But you are seriously bright Miri, and I learn a lot by listening, so well done & thank you.

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On the Trump theme…what do you think of RFK? My guilty secret is I wanted him to be a Good Guy (I know, I know). But then someone told me the story about the whales head, and the story about the bear & the bicycle in Central Park….whats your take?

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