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Dear Miri, best wishes for your elections in England.

I'm almost envious of your optimism; for a long time I fought for the right to vote and to be able to change things.

Unfortunately here in Italy we are no longer allowed to.

We have an (unconstitutional) electoral law that does not allow us to elect a candidate like Susan.

The votes of Italians go to the list and not to the candidate.

All the votes on the list contribute to electing the various candidates of the colleges in order of appearance (1st 2nd 3rd etc). With the principles that your Susan has expressed, if sincere, she would certainly not be included in the first places on the list.. .at most from 10th place onwards...useful only as a bearer of votes.

In any case, strength and courage; for too long we have delegated and it is time to take care of our rights and, above all, those of our children. Let's start from the Municipalities to delegitimize supranational bodies and corrupt politicians.

Best regards.

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