Jul 20Liked by Miri AF

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I am a puzzle solving, dot connecting American.

I have to say from being down the rabbit holes, and come up for air and a good soul cleansing.. I have to say I've never heard of JD Vance. Just like before Obama, I'd never heard of him either, or his husband.

In listening to a podcast who did research, he states that JD Vance's REAL last name is BOWMAN. I've not seen anyone else say that. Maybe that his screen actors guild name. And a creepy link to this American story is him being born in 1984. Have you ever read the book or seen the black and white movie on YouTube by Orson Wells, 1984? Creepy as hell. Also this poor ol boy going to Yale played with the big boys as a Skull and Bones boy.

You know.. the Bush's ( Sherf - real name), John Kerry ( who knows his real name). Many big actors have changed their names, ie Tom Hanks, Alex Jones, I heard that Taylor Swift is related to Elvis.

I Don't know about you guys in the UK but all of us over here were adopted at birth and given acting names ( ALL CAPS) On the payroll roster.

Soooo deep goes the rabbit tunnels...

I shall shush now and finish the show with my popcorn. I believe America is The Great Experiment and that there are many more continents beyond the Antartica ice wall.

Have a blessed day and may God bless ALL His Souls.

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Thank you, Molly, interesting comment. Yes, his real last name is Bowman. That is his biological father's name. He was adopted by his stepfather and initially changed his surname to Hamel, but then when his stepfather and mother split up, reverted to his maternal grandparents' name of Vance. Digging further into his father's background is no doubt something worth doing... I also wondered whether he might have been in Skull and Bones, but can't find anything definitive on that. More than likely, though.

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