Substack is being glitchy and not allowing me to reply directly to people, so here is my reply to Priscilla….

Thank you, Priscilla. Great news that your MP voted against. Unfortunately, but wholly unsurprisingly, mine (Labour) voted for.

Great that you're already doing so much to avoid Alzheimer's, but alas, diatomaceous earth does not have the same effects (that's the DE I referred to in the paragraph in question), as DE and other forms of silica can't cross the gut wall. Only silicic acid can. You don't have to drink Volvic, though. You can drink beer! (Including non-alcoholic beer if you prefer, IPAs being the highest in silicic acid.)

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I live in Switzerland in a small village surrounded by vineyards. I know, right: Swiss wines. Ha. Ha. 🙄 But anyway, locally they are coveted. This spring I walked our very lovely dog through the vineyards but stopped when I saw a person in a hazmat suit spraying white-ish stuff on the vines. I asked the familiar face standing on the path surveying the hazmat-suited operation, what on earth is going on because as far as the information/ ownership tag suggested, that block of vines belonged to a domaine (owned & operated by the adjunct Mairie!) that was certified as ‘Bio’. 🤷‍♀️ Apparently it was all good, pas de souci, I shouldn’t worry. The fact that it was a seasonal worker from Spain/Portugal in the hazmat suit, as opposed to one of the domaine’s familiar faces/ employees, should convince us all that there’s really not a thing untoward/ worrying/ uncertain about the spraying. Yeah, right.

But, embarrasingly, it was only when the co-owner of the domaine (the same adjunct Mairie’s son) went full-on ballistic last Tuesday because I was walking our very lovely dog down the road without a leash (as I always do…) that I finally wondered (à la Catherine Austin Fitts): What *are* they putting in the [wine]?

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My mother was always healthy but at some point in her later life her doctor prescribed statins.

It could have been just a coincidence but my daughters and I noticed a change in her, asking the same question repeatedly, forgetfulness. It got worse. She eventually got a diagnosis of dementia.

I wonder how she would have been if she hadn't taken the statins.

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Sorry to hear about your mother, statins are awful. My dad was prescribed them and within days started feeling so awful, he told his doctor he refused to take them any more. The doctor prescribed him fish oil instead, admitting this had all the same benefits but none of the side effects. "So why didn't you just prescribe that in the first place?", asked my dad. No response from the doctor.

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Fish oil sounds like a better idea than statins.. My response was to just not go to the doctors, apart from when I needed a note to be off work.

I only did that once.

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Good information about the dangers of statins from the Midwestern Doctor ..... https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-great-dangers-of-statins?utm_source=publication-search

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Where I live people are showing up by the busloads to die by the MAID and we all know what maids do...they clean up the mess.

Our current society condones murder and suicide and the previous WW2 generation would have had none of it. We live in a death cult...there are no two ways about it.

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“full fart milk” - no longer available from Arla!

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They've made a small opening (so fraudulently!) and they have every intention of driving a truck through it...

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As I commented on another article, it has been widely reported that aluminium is the main component found in the residue from chemtrails - oops, sorry, that should read 'geoengineering'. If this is indeed the case, then surely we don't stand a chance, we all have to breathe. This is war and they're coming at us from all angles.

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The Arla scandal has given me the final nudge to source some unpasteurised milk. Turns out there’s a farm just 20 mins from me & I've ordered 2 large bottles for Monday. I won’t be the only one doing this. Let’s hope this galvanises everyone to buy direct from local producers.

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we have an evil man in charge. and yes, it's been set up for handover to Reform, a party wholly owned by kept pol extraordinaire, Farage. Same destruction of democracy happening in Ireland. After five years of this, we'll be begging for a bit of good honest totalitarianism. at least the trains will run on time' And the super clever aspect of it all is, we are doing this of our own free will. We did actually vote for Starmer, we will vote in droves for Reform. It reminds me of that line in Dracula when the Count first greets Harker, something along the lines of 'Enter my house of your own free will, and leave some of the happiness you bring'.

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Truly excellent, Miri. Yesterday was a very dark day indeed, even though I didn't expect anything other than the result we got. Danny Kruger's speech (https://x.com/VitaliJames/status/1862491332180111595) gave some hope that there are still a very few decent people left in the HoC. My MP voted against assisted suicide which is another small encouragement (but will she stand out when they make some of the amendments people want and go on pushing it?). We should write and thank our MPs if they voted against, just to encourage them and show that you noticed.

We already do most of the things you recommend, Miri, to avoid Alzeheimer's: I've used an aluminium-free deodorant for many years now, same with aluminium cookware (never really used it though my dear old mum did, in the end we threw her aluminium pans out!!), avoid vaccinations like the plague, have a high-quality filter on our drinking water, only have full fat milk, etc etc. I didn't know about silicic acid. I have a feeling that diatomaceous earth helps detoxify our bodies of metals too??? I don't want to be buying Volvic when I can drink our filtered water, but must get in more supplies of diatomaceous earth, I think.

Thank you so much, Miri, for your great stuff.

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About deoderant - I use bicarb soda. Works wonderfully, even in summer's hot, humid climate where I live. No need to buy products in plastic bottles.

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Interesting. How do you make it up?

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I also use bicarb to wash my hair. Leaves it clean and soft. Use a small amount and rub into scalp. (Apologies Miri, for being off-topic.)

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No worries and not off topic anyway! All tips on how to better avoid toxic pharma products are very on topic.

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Can I ask which deodorant you use? I’m using Crystal Ally which was highly recommended but I don’t think it’s that great.

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I've been using this one, which works really well (as you say, not all of them do). It's slightly more expensive than others but no doubt that's because it works! https://procoal.co.uk/products/natural-deodorant?srsltid=AfmBOoqq6TVYC6G8rFPkZ2rr0bFh9FLCRFcPJUnf-uf8NkMS3gd-HGrP

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Thank you - I'll give it a try 😊👍

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I use the Lush deodorants. A chunk is cut off from a block and wrapped in papet.

Lasts ages. Smells nice but not too obvious.

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It’s been discontinued! ☹️

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Dr Hauschka. But it’s very expensive. 😢

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Will take a look thanks 😊

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I should have known better, Miri, than to think for a moment there is a typo in “full fart milk”. It made me laugh, which I needed today. Cheers.

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Don't completely unfollow the munneee aspect, Miri: We already have 'assisted dying' in the form of palliative care but it's expensive. For example, a cancer patient with a poor prognosis who is allowed to end their days at home. This may entail installing a downstairs bed, with daily visits from carers and nurses supervising medication for maybe weeks.

It is much simpler and cheaper to have 'assisted suicide'.

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Dear Mr. / Madam School Board Trustee

I write to you today in a sincere effort to help you accomplish your noble reasons for seeking this office.

That is to help you facilitate the betterment of the education we all hope to provide to our children and young people.

To do this, I ask you to make the Board meeting agenda questions and the data points behind them available to me as well as all of the other taxpayers in our district.

With a few simple clicks you can upload the stack to a server where I and the rest of the concerned parents and taxpayers can read, ratify and or annul the elements after log on.

In a perfect world each sentence/paragraph/concept being evaluated will have at least four possible answers: agree, disagree, no opinion at this time, other (one hundred words or less).

Just imagine it, in a matter of just a few minutes, your constituents, the thousands of concerned parents you solemnly stood before when asking for their vote of confidence can now evaluate and report back to you the most complicated and vexing situations you will ever face in this capacity.

Direct democracy is a growing trend, and many companies offer these services:

hosting, voter receipts, and a running tally of totals for everyone to see.

In this way Madam Trustee, you are assured that you will always have the great strength of the community with you when putting into play the programs and policies that really do affect the lives of our people and community.


Helpful Taxpayer Citizen

Hosting Companies:




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I dampen the ends of my fingers, dip them into the bicarb, and apply under arms. Easy, cheap and effective - and no nasty chemicals. Try it for yourself.

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Bicarb mixed in either organic blackstrap molasses or a nice organic maple syrup will work wonders for health and energy. Keeps the body in a slightly alkaline state and lets the immune system do it's work. One teaspoon a day ( mix ratio 3 sweet :1bicarb) but alter to suit.

So far I haven't been called smelly yet even when I sweat but I will bear your tip in mind.

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I’d say a life dependent on our meagre State Pension has been a form of assisted dying for decades, it’s one of the lowest pensions in the OECD.

Annoyingly for our Satanic Overlords it turns out humans are more resilient than they’d like and so in lockstep with other countries the time has come to put us out of our misery. Like animals.

The non-economically productive are no longer considered assets but a liability in their anti-human managerial mindset.

There has definitely been a shift into a dark era and as you rightly say Miri, we must shake off the learned helplessness and pushback if our own and community sovereignty is to survive.

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Thank you for this Miri.

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Assisted dying - Reminds me of the attitude of the fox-hunting mob ..... "the unspeakable after the uneatable".

How long before an age limit is imposed and 'dying' becomes mandatory - a sort of expiry date as we see on the labels of many products. The parasite class members will have no expiry date, of course, and can have as many children as they like.

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