16 hrs agoLiked by Miri AF

Local to you Miri and so obviously I voted for you in the last local council elections because you make so much sense and are willing to put your head above the parapet. I'm too much of a coward but if you ever need any help with campaigning or door to door canvassing then let me know.

I once worked in a low level position for Wakefield Council a few years back. We had about ten middle managers for around thirty staff who did all the work. The busy bodies would spend all their time in meetings discussing the level of paperclips being misused and which bins needed to be colour coordinated so the correct paper is recycled. It was during Covid too which made it even more ridiculous as we had hand sanitizer and hazard tape fucking everywhere!!!

I did meet an interesting guy there though. He was a fellow conspiracy theorist and loyal to the foil like myself. We once spent a 12 hour Christmas Eve nightshift talking about the world and all it's madness. He was a really smart guy who previously had a senior position in Police IT but left when he knew how corrupt it was. A great guy and I learned a lot from him.

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Thank you, James! I'm putting together a leaflet currently, so I will let you know.

Very interesting - and sadly unsurprising - anecdote about the council. That's why we need more conspiracy theorists in there to shake things up... And glad to hear some have made it in already :)

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17 hrs agoLiked by Miri AF

100,000,000,000% ditto and amen. Mrs Miri AF, I love you more and more. Give ‘em hell. If you knock on basically all the doors of actual voters in the district and keep going back til you engage with a majority of them directly, you’ll have as good a shot as any other candidate. In local elections, personal acquaintance and trust is the single most important factor. Even folk who don’t agree w you on policy positions will vote for you if they feel like they know and like you more than the other candidates.

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Thank you, Baba! You are absolutely, 100,000,000,000% right, and I will indeed do that (perhaps avoiding one particular scholarly residence though!).

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Very inspiring post. The kudos of being councillor may also attract a more sympathetic ear to your voice calling out government overreach and abuses in all their current forms. God knows 80% are still in denial which is probably the most depressing aspect of the present dystopia. Good luck with your attempt for election. You deserve it.

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Thank you very much, Jas - and yes, quite so about increased legitimacy / visibility as a councillor (though alas I may be a few years off that yet... but you never know!).

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Yes, I agree that "They" want us all trapped online, penned-in and pinned-down so that they can control us, monitor us and herd us about, wasting our energies arguing amongst ourselves in relentless futile loops, so that we avoid focusing on real-world local practical politics. It's a clever deceptive trap. An abyss. Furthermore, we have been propagandised into negativity and apathy so that we self-imprison ourselves by accepting defeat. Their System has been engineered against us, against independent dissent.Their psychology works!

However, my heart sinks. Just reading your article and all the hoop-jumping you have had to do just to take part in local politics, with all the odds stacked against you, is deflating. Multiply that across the nation. We'd need an army of extremely motivated Miris - tens of thousands - to really challenge the local council nests of globalist infiltrated groupthink.

I truly admire your fortitude and fighting spirit. Your attitude and energy is inspiring. Your optimistic belief in grinding through the political process during these dystopian times is remarkable. I don't wish to sound negative, I'm just spontaneously expressing a few immediate thoughts and reactions.

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Thank you, Nigel, and I sympathise with your frustrations. The first time I stood in a local election, it was with the anti-lockdown 'Freedom Alliance' political party in 2021. Due to how much anger and outrage there was regarding lockdowns and mandates at that time, and the consequent widespread desire to do anything to fight back, Freedom Alliance managed to attract hundreds of candidates, all of whom duly hoop-jumped as was required.

However, serious dismay was experienced come results-time, when most people (myself included) got under 100 votes (70-something was the average). This illustrated the real problem, which is not that people are not prepared to stand and platform pro-freedom beliefs (plenty were)... but that most of our natural supporters don't vote, for the reasons I covered in the article. Freedom Alliance had plenty of 'likes' and follows and positive comments on social media... but it just didn't translate into votes, because our side by and large doesn't do that.

Therefore, what our side really needs to do en masse is - not stand (I understand that isn't for everybody) - but vote for the people who do. As I said in the article, the Muslims have proved unequivocally that independents have a real chance if communities simply organise and vote for them.

We have learned a lot since 2021, and are starting to making real progress, having gone from getting 70-odd votes in 2021, to over 46,000 in 2024 (that's what Jonathan Tilt, former leader of Freedom Alliance and who I mentioned in the article) got when he ran for Mayor this year, easily beating the Lib Dem candidate. Several independent candidates who ran for council this year on a pro-freedom ticket beat their local Lib Dem and Green candidates. Progress may not be as quick as we would like (is it ever?), but it is being made.

In a way, I find it encouraging that local politics is not that easy to get involved with, because the most successful strategies are rarely the easiest. As you say, they make ranting on social media far too easy for us, because ultimately that doesn't achieve anything. So, the very fact that there are obstacles and difficulties when trying to engage in the political process speaks of the fact that this route has power. As such, I am very happy to keep trying. Thanks for your kind words :)

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I totally agree that where possible people should rally round and support the local independents who make a stand.

The Muslim communities have high cohesion and support for their candidates. If that sort of clan-like cohesion and support could be translated to the independents in society at large, it would be ideal. We need a tidal shift, a synergistic tsunami of free-flowing freedom supporters.

We need 'awakened' Spartacus armies (of freed slaves) across the land to take on the corrupt odious system. Although, my instincts now suggest that such armies of dissent might be best applied laying 'bollards' to scupper the system, in all directions, as a hobby and joyful organic endeavour to thwart the dystopian advance.

Bog them down and make their diabolical designs inoperable. Ignore or disrupt all their plans. Do not consent to anything. Carry on without them or around them. Starve them of practical effect. Make every one of us a defiant Spartacus (each in our own ways).

I agree with you that the obstacles in local politics are in a way reassuring - we need robust systems as gateways to serious power.

I hope I'm not perceived as just another social media ranter. I'm sincerely reaching for meaningful solutions and just thinking aloud.

You'd heartily get my vote and I think you've got the right attitude of seeing it as a continuous learning ramp of new opportunities. I just despair of the soul-sapping political landscape and seek more radical empowering solutions. Many speak of a generational struggle to overturn the endemic corrupt system. Yet I still hope that mercurial mechanisms of momentum could emerge organically, through inspired ignited people power, to scupper the Orwellian Control System. Long live the proles!

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14 hrs agoLiked by Miri AF

Hi Miri, anything that involves talking face to face with flesh and blood has become a subversive activity, actively disincentivised by the parasite class. All the more reason to take any opportunity to advocate for it - and even better to step out of ones introverted comfort zone and do as much of it as possible. I know people in HVS who may be interested in door knocking with you and I am happy to come over to help. Presume you can send personal messages on Substack?

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Thank you, Sylvie! That's very kind. And you're absolutely right about comfort zones - as they say, a comfort zone is a fine thing to have, but no growth takes places there.

I don't have a leaflet yet but will certainly let you know when I do. Thanks again :)

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14 hrs agoLiked by Miri AF

yes, I really like that you've thought long and hard about how to disrupt the bastards. On a similarly encouraging note, I noticed for the first time properly the case of the Burke family in Ireland recently. the more I watch the more apparent that family's integrity becomes, and their absolute unwillingness to back down, I think they could bring down the whole shooting match. Different strategies, with the one goal in mind.

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Thanks very much, Kevin. I hadn't heard of the Burke family, looks like a new rabbit hole to explore!

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3 hrs agoLiked by Miri AF

thanks Miri, like you they are engaging with the tools at their disposal, and not giving an inch. there are a million YouTube videos (they are a big family) but this video is instructive as to their attitude and integrity.


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Hi Miri, It's a little bit easier if you have party support but even that does not counter a top heavy majority opponent who dominates various committees and controls agendas. The bureaucracy is immense. It will take all your tenacity of which I'm sure you have plenty to make an impact. You might have to arrange meetings with influential people to garner attention to your campaign/s.

Incidentally someone is investigating the GE voting for Andrew Bridgen (yes I know!) but it looks like some bidenesque activity went on here. Details on TCW website/daily blog.

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Thanks John, and yes, what you say is very valid. But I do like a challenge...

As for Bridgen, I had heard he is now playing the "it's all rigged anyway" card, but I have no doubt the reason Bridgen did comparatively badly (though quite well compared to less well known independents) is the same reason most pro-freedom candidates do: because our natural supporters generally don't vote. I've seen people saying "but he has loads of followers on social media, far more than the candidate who won has" - doesn't matter. Social media follows don't translate into votes, as I've learned all too well (please see reply to Nigel!). To be honest, Bridgen did pretty well to get over 1,500 votes - particularly given the other independent standing in his constituency only got 136!

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Thanks Trevor, interesting piece but ultimately no real substance to it - as Bridgen confirms, there are no whistleblowers - and I've made the point before that, if elections were rigged in terms of votes being shredded and/or added, at least one whistleblower would have come forward by now to say that is the case. Yet they never have.

Bridgen's result to me is completely plausible (and actually he did a bit better than I would expect) based on how pro-freedom "conspiratorial" candidates generally do, especially the first time they stand on that kind of platform. How he did when he was a mainstream Conservative MP is not really of any relevance, because he was standing on a completely different ticket and appealing to a completely different audience then. Most of his former 'normie' supporters have now simply dismissed him as "a loon" etc... So no, I don't think anything dodgy went on with the count and furthermore, I'm annoyed with him for saying so, as it simply acts to reinforce the unhelpful belief that "it's all rigged anyway" and thus makes our side even less likely to engage politically, meaning any future "Andrew Bridgens" will get even less votes!

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3 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs agoLiked by Miri AF

I've only been in Huddersfield a year. In Ringwood, Hampshire, where we had a successful community assembly, we put up six candidates for councillors in May 2023 and four of them were voted in. They have since had a significant effect on the Town Council. So I can only encourage your efforts and also draw your attention to our recently-formed Huddersfield Community Assembly which attracted 22 hardy citizens to our inaugural meeting on Friday the 20th of September. Our newly-elected MP, Harpreet Uppal, also attended and we handed her a list of (local) gripes. She is meeting Steve Mawson, Kirklees Council's CE this week. We hadn't raised the big national and international issues yet because we wanted to create a line of communication first.

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Thank you, Jeremy, that is very interesting and encouraging, and I will certainly look further into the Huddersfield Community Assembly.

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