Jun 30Liked by Miri AF

They are relentlessly manipulating the “don’t bother travelling abroad” line, with faulty and dangerous aeroplanes, Air Traffic Control problems, Various Strikes, Computer systems going down, relentless queues, can’t get your baggage to go with you, blah, blah, blah.

It’s so bloody obvious that they don’t want the plebs to travel anywhere.

Thank goodness I did all my World travelling in the eighties, nineties and two thousands.

Comments I made on MailOnline got loads of downvotes, when I said it was all “part of the plan” to stop us travelling. The majority of people just have absolutely no idea what is really going on. I don’t know what the answer is, ‘cos nobody is actually listening!

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I am constantly fearful that the ""Hidden Hand" might try and recruit Miri. God help us if they succeed.

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Well, they could try, but rest assured they would not get anywhere. I don't have the requisite skeletons in my closet for them to blackmail me with and I'm not interested in being rich ("freelance conspiracy theorist" not exactly being a career path one chooses for the lucrative potential!). But thank you for suggesting I might be significant enough a voice for them to give it a go!

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Indeed, a very suspicious case.

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Jul 1Liked by Miri AF

Great article Miri. Note that you also have a relatively new trend of "air tagging" kids. The fear is already installed so it's not going to take much persuasion to get these permanently installed.

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Oh yes, good point!

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