I've been a fan of RFK'Jr. for a decade especially for his exposure of Fauci so his betrayal comes as a shocking disappointment. I'll be very curious what Meryl Nass, MD has to say about this. She's been involved with him for a couple years now and I would be shocked if she's also an actor. But we'll see....
I do wholeheartedly agree with your suggestions on what we can do to circumvent their evil plans for us- getting involved in our local community, talking about the harms of vaccine theory in general, using cash, supporting local businesses and not falling for the actor/politician BS. Thank you, Miri, for your always great insight.
Thank you, Carol. I've no doubt there are lots of good people currently supporting RFK (who I was once a fan of myself) and that this will come as as a huge shock to them. But indeed, as you say, it will be interesting and revealing to see how various parties respond to this news.
That latest piece of theatre, staged in the White House and duly reported worldwide was, I believe, to allow Zelenskyy, an actor and performer whose party piece was playing a tune on a piano with his penis, to retire and spend more time with Colombian marching powder in his Florida mansion without losing face in Ukraine, his particular role completed. Meetings with the President held in public are scripted to send a message.
They always want us to pick a side, because once we are invested in the supplied hero, political party or saviour vaccine it’s hard to admit on Faecesbook, X-crement or to our friends, we got it wrong. 🙈.
I followed JFK Jnr right from the announcement to the election - although, as a foreigner, I did not contribute a single cent to the election campaign.
That was an interesting process, where by the time the (very lovely) running mate was announced, the election train had already left the station. A graphic demonstration that independent candidates have a tough time in high profile national politics.
From that point on it was very brave damage limitation.
The endorsement of Mr Trump was very clearly a political gambit.
As with any level of politics, the delivery is what the voting citizens want to see.
I remain sceptical of all national politicians, NGOs and more.
Another FABULOUS article. Fabulous. And the links to the research? FLIPPING AWESOME!
I read a book about vaccines around the time I was pregnant with my first child. I had bought it at a talk to do with health and it was called "Wake up to Health". I had no idea what it was about, but was reading a lot in that area at the time and it was basically about how vaccines don't work.
I have a friend who always said "I am not anti-vaccines, I just want safe vaccines", but I always thought that was a confused approach, but have never been able to put my finger on exactly what it was I didn't like about it. I think, fundamentally, I don't believe you can trick nature. If you want to be healthier, do things to make yourself healthier. All boats rise on a rising tide. All your systems will benefit from doing things to help your system. I just didn't see how vaccines related to that.
I have been thinking lately that perhaps "viruses" are really a vibration/frequency of sorts and, when they pass through your community, you have to upgrade to their new information. If you have blockages to that, they will help clean out the blockages. Perhaps, as you get older, the stakes become higher so, you can't eliminate the toxins so easily and the damage to your system is greater (hence the two research articles you link to). And that, something stuck in you (like herpes, that resurfaces when run down) is something you still haven't integrated and will stay until you do.
My kids, however, did not get ill much as children. Barely at all really. They were well-fed, kept warm and (given they were in a nuclear family which, as I like to say "is designed to blow-up") relatively well-adjusted. If you included un-vaxxed children in that research who had this support, I wonder what their lifetime disease outlook looks like?
When my son (second child) was ill once, I remember lying in the bath with him lying on top of me for about 1-2 hours until he felt better. I knew I was supporting him, but I didn't exactly know how. It's like when babies are born, they need to be close to their parents to help them regulate their breathing and heart rates. My boss was asking me if I thought magnesium would help his 6-month old sleep through the night and I just KNEW the son was not in the same room as him. I asked if he was and was told "no". So I suggested that would help. And he didn't want it. I can't remember whether I said it, but I certainly thought "why are your trying to solve an issue with proximity with a biochemical pathway?".
I think that's the fundamental problem. Kids need a CRAZY amount of support. No nuclear family can do that (we had Au pairs and went massively backwards financially when we had kids to the point that we had around 10% of the money we had before they were born by the time they both went to school. Our relationship also suffered massively - we gave our kids what we thought they needed and did not worry about spending time together). So, how attractive is it to people who can't cope (which I think is everyone) to be told "it's not your kids need more touch/closeness/time with you/time with their extended family/support from other adults - it's they need this injection."? It's very attractive. It's also a complete load of nonsense.
We know controlled opposition doesn't necessarily mean "paid agent" but includes those who are willing to go against the mainstream narrative up to a point but instinctively resile from the fundamental truth and will be as capable of deluding themselves as much mainstreamers ... just at a different level, however, in the case of RFK I can make no sense of him. It could be cognitive dissonance but I think perhaps it's more a case he simply makes no sense to me.
I'm very intrigued by John Magufuli's death. Working on virtually no data I tend to think any African president can only be in that position with the backing of Western intelligence and coming out with positive PCR tests on a goat, sheep and papaya seems to be an extravagant mocking of covid which could suggest Revelation of the Method. On the other hand, it could be a genuine FU which to my mind seems extremely impolitic. Can't see any Masonic signs but they're not my strong point. There's just no way he died from natural causes I don't think so perhaps he really was killed clandestinely or ... ?
Thanks Petra, my view on RFK - as with all celebrity politicians - is he is simply an actor. He reads whatever script he is handed, just like Trump, Vance and co. For a while he played "heroic anti-vax crusader", now he is playing "lying backpedalling politician". This explains why he has always seem so singularly unruffled when multiple family members declare to the press that he is crazy and they are disavowing him etc - it's all just theatre. Like Monica and Ross having a row on Friends, whilst the actors playing them remain perfectly amicable in real life.
With Magufuli, it does seem whatever shenanigans he might have been involved in in the past, he was struck with a bout of actual conscience. It does happen sometimes, even with politicians (that's why they want to replace them with AI!), and when it does, and threats and blackmail don't work to shut them up, they are killed, which seems to have been what happened. Alternatively, it could have been staged to serve as a warning to any other politicians who might have been thinking about speaking out.
Yes you're right about the acting and no surprise really since RFK's dad and uncle acted in their faked assassinations and no doubt his cousin didn't die either.
In the case of Magufuli definitely favour staging as a warning. There's just something too impolitic about the goat, sheep and papaya.
I see that I spoke/commented too soon. I hadn't actually read RFK Jr.s entire opinion piece. His response to the outbreak is actually very balanced. He said it's a parent's responsibility to decide whether to vaccinate, that the deaths from measles declined precipitously before any vaccine came to market, Vitamin A is an important therapeutic, overall health through nutrition is the most important determinant of a positive outcome and that our public health agencies should be administering these therapeutics. That's a huge detour from what other HHS secretaries have said. So, he may not have completely blasted vaccines but he did open the Overton window quite a bit I would say. Let's not throw him to the dogs quite yet.
Thanks Carol, he did do those things, but they are so subtle you would only pick up on them if you were already vaccine sceptic. The average reader will read the piece at face value and the takeaway will be "my child needs the vaccine". RFK will not mandate it, so those few parents who are already anti-vax will be able to decline, but the vast majority of parents who are pro-vax will take him at his word - that the vaccine is safe and effective - and get it. He tells them to "talk to their healthcare provider" and we know what any doctor will say. Consequently, many children will be harmed. This is obviously not good enough, as it's not just children with anti-vax parents who need protecting from vaccines, it's all children - and RFK knows full well this vaccine is neither safe, nor effective, nor necessary for anyone, plus that the risks are very significant, and THAT is the message he needs to be unequivocally communicating at this point to have any credibility left, in my view.
We were told he "had to be strategic" up until being elected, but now he has been elected, I don't feel there are any more excuses for him. He has just thrown thousands of healthy children under the bus by telling them they need a dangerous injection when they don't. Whatever "strategy" he might claim to be employing at this point, it is not worth that cost.
Chris Hedges suggests that Trumps administration is there to dismantle the state mechanisms...what also corroborating and very worry is that Trump is not investigating the missing $21 TRILLON dollars as identified by Catherine Austin Fitts
:Anti-Semitism – like racism – is a spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues,” said HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “In recent years, the censorship and false narratives of woke cancel culture have transformed our great universities into greenhouses for this deadly and virulent pestilence. Making America healthy means building communities of trust and mutual respect, based on speech freedom and open debate.”
The Task Force’s review is the first major action announced from the multi-agency Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism created by President Trump’s Executive Order titled “Additional Measures to Combat Anti-Semitism:
I've been a fan of RFK'Jr. for a decade especially for his exposure of Fauci so his betrayal comes as a shocking disappointment. I'll be very curious what Meryl Nass, MD has to say about this. She's been involved with him for a couple years now and I would be shocked if she's also an actor. But we'll see....
I do wholeheartedly agree with your suggestions on what we can do to circumvent their evil plans for us- getting involved in our local community, talking about the harms of vaccine theory in general, using cash, supporting local businesses and not falling for the actor/politician BS. Thank you, Miri, for your always great insight.
Thank you, Carol. I've no doubt there are lots of good people currently supporting RFK (who I was once a fan of myself) and that this will come as as a huge shock to them. But indeed, as you say, it will be interesting and revealing to see how various parties respond to this news.
That latest piece of theatre, staged in the White House and duly reported worldwide was, I believe, to allow Zelenskyy, an actor and performer whose party piece was playing a tune on a piano with his penis, to retire and spend more time with Colombian marching powder in his Florida mansion without losing face in Ukraine, his particular role completed. Meetings with the President held in public are scripted to send a message.
Awesome article.
They always want us to pick a side, because once we are invested in the supplied hero, political party or saviour vaccine it’s hard to admit on Faecesbook, X-crement or to our friends, we got it wrong. 🙈.
I always thought RFK was one of them.
Dear Miri, thank you.
I followed JFK Jnr right from the announcement to the election - although, as a foreigner, I did not contribute a single cent to the election campaign.
That was an interesting process, where by the time the (very lovely) running mate was announced, the election train had already left the station. A graphic demonstration that independent candidates have a tough time in high profile national politics.
From that point on it was very brave damage limitation.
The endorsement of Mr Trump was very clearly a political gambit.
As with any level of politics, the delivery is what the voting citizens want to see.
I remain sceptical of all national politicians, NGOs and more.
Nothing but action counts.
Another FABULOUS article. Fabulous. And the links to the research? FLIPPING AWESOME!
I read a book about vaccines around the time I was pregnant with my first child. I had bought it at a talk to do with health and it was called "Wake up to Health". I had no idea what it was about, but was reading a lot in that area at the time and it was basically about how vaccines don't work.
I have a friend who always said "I am not anti-vaccines, I just want safe vaccines", but I always thought that was a confused approach, but have never been able to put my finger on exactly what it was I didn't like about it. I think, fundamentally, I don't believe you can trick nature. If you want to be healthier, do things to make yourself healthier. All boats rise on a rising tide. All your systems will benefit from doing things to help your system. I just didn't see how vaccines related to that.
I have been thinking lately that perhaps "viruses" are really a vibration/frequency of sorts and, when they pass through your community, you have to upgrade to their new information. If you have blockages to that, they will help clean out the blockages. Perhaps, as you get older, the stakes become higher so, you can't eliminate the toxins so easily and the damage to your system is greater (hence the two research articles you link to). And that, something stuck in you (like herpes, that resurfaces when run down) is something you still haven't integrated and will stay until you do.
My kids, however, did not get ill much as children. Barely at all really. They were well-fed, kept warm and (given they were in a nuclear family which, as I like to say "is designed to blow-up") relatively well-adjusted. If you included un-vaxxed children in that research who had this support, I wonder what their lifetime disease outlook looks like?
When my son (second child) was ill once, I remember lying in the bath with him lying on top of me for about 1-2 hours until he felt better. I knew I was supporting him, but I didn't exactly know how. It's like when babies are born, they need to be close to their parents to help them regulate their breathing and heart rates. My boss was asking me if I thought magnesium would help his 6-month old sleep through the night and I just KNEW the son was not in the same room as him. I asked if he was and was told "no". So I suggested that would help. And he didn't want it. I can't remember whether I said it, but I certainly thought "why are your trying to solve an issue with proximity with a biochemical pathway?".
I think that's the fundamental problem. Kids need a CRAZY amount of support. No nuclear family can do that (we had Au pairs and went massively backwards financially when we had kids to the point that we had around 10% of the money we had before they were born by the time they both went to school. Our relationship also suffered massively - we gave our kids what we thought they needed and did not worry about spending time together). So, how attractive is it to people who can't cope (which I think is everyone) to be told "it's not your kids need more touch/closeness/time with you/time with their extended family/support from other adults - it's they need this injection."? It's very attractive. It's also a complete load of nonsense.
Fantastic article, Miri.
We know controlled opposition doesn't necessarily mean "paid agent" but includes those who are willing to go against the mainstream narrative up to a point but instinctively resile from the fundamental truth and will be as capable of deluding themselves as much mainstreamers ... just at a different level, however, in the case of RFK I can make no sense of him. It could be cognitive dissonance but I think perhaps it's more a case he simply makes no sense to me.
I'm very intrigued by John Magufuli's death. Working on virtually no data I tend to think any African president can only be in that position with the backing of Western intelligence and coming out with positive PCR tests on a goat, sheep and papaya seems to be an extravagant mocking of covid which could suggest Revelation of the Method. On the other hand, it could be a genuine FU which to my mind seems extremely impolitic. Can't see any Masonic signs but they're not my strong point. There's just no way he died from natural causes I don't think so perhaps he really was killed clandestinely or ... ?
Thanks Petra, my view on RFK - as with all celebrity politicians - is he is simply an actor. He reads whatever script he is handed, just like Trump, Vance and co. For a while he played "heroic anti-vax crusader", now he is playing "lying backpedalling politician". This explains why he has always seem so singularly unruffled when multiple family members declare to the press that he is crazy and they are disavowing him etc - it's all just theatre. Like Monica and Ross having a row on Friends, whilst the actors playing them remain perfectly amicable in real life.
With Magufuli, it does seem whatever shenanigans he might have been involved in in the past, he was struck with a bout of actual conscience. It does happen sometimes, even with politicians (that's why they want to replace them with AI!), and when it does, and threats and blackmail don't work to shut them up, they are killed, which seems to have been what happened. Alternatively, it could have been staged to serve as a warning to any other politicians who might have been thinking about speaking out.
Staged as a warning - GOOD POINT! pour encourager les autres is an old technique!
Yes, I forgot. This occurred to me before.
Yes you're right about the acting and no surprise really since RFK's dad and uncle acted in their faked assassinations and no doubt his cousin didn't die either.
In the case of Magufuli definitely favour staging as a warning. There's just something too impolitic about the goat, sheep and papaya.
I see that I spoke/commented too soon. I hadn't actually read RFK Jr.s entire opinion piece. His response to the outbreak is actually very balanced. He said it's a parent's responsibility to decide whether to vaccinate, that the deaths from measles declined precipitously before any vaccine came to market, Vitamin A is an important therapeutic, overall health through nutrition is the most important determinant of a positive outcome and that our public health agencies should be administering these therapeutics. That's a huge detour from what other HHS secretaries have said. So, he may not have completely blasted vaccines but he did open the Overton window quite a bit I would say. Let's not throw him to the dogs quite yet.
Thanks Carol, he did do those things, but they are so subtle you would only pick up on them if you were already vaccine sceptic. The average reader will read the piece at face value and the takeaway will be "my child needs the vaccine". RFK will not mandate it, so those few parents who are already anti-vax will be able to decline, but the vast majority of parents who are pro-vax will take him at his word - that the vaccine is safe and effective - and get it. He tells them to "talk to their healthcare provider" and we know what any doctor will say. Consequently, many children will be harmed. This is obviously not good enough, as it's not just children with anti-vax parents who need protecting from vaccines, it's all children - and RFK knows full well this vaccine is neither safe, nor effective, nor necessary for anyone, plus that the risks are very significant, and THAT is the message he needs to be unequivocally communicating at this point to have any credibility left, in my view.
We were told he "had to be strategic" up until being elected, but now he has been elected, I don't feel there are any more excuses for him. He has just thrown thousands of healthy children under the bus by telling them they need a dangerous injection when they don't. Whatever "strategy" he might claim to be employing at this point, it is not worth that cost.
Chris Hedges suggests that Trumps administration is there to dismantle the state mechanisms...what also corroborating and very worry is that Trump is not investigating the missing $21 TRILLON dollars as identified by Catherine Austin Fitts
:Anti-Semitism – like racism – is a spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues,” said HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “In recent years, the censorship and false narratives of woke cancel culture have transformed our great universities into greenhouses for this deadly and virulent pestilence. Making America healthy means building communities of trust and mutual respect, based on speech freedom and open debate.”
The Task Force’s review is the first major action announced from the multi-agency Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism created by President Trump’s Executive Order titled “Additional Measures to Combat Anti-Semitism: