I live in Melbourne, Australia, and our city was subjected to the longest lockdown in the world. I was so appalled at what the govt (both state and federal) inflicted on us that I resolved never to vote again. However, your post has changed my mind, and I will now research independent candidates that share my views and then vote for them. Thanks for an awesome post, Miri.

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Thank you, Sun in Capricorn! Very sorry you had to live through that, but great to hear you're now considering independents (and if you can't find one you like, you can always stand as one yourself!).

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Thanks, Miri. Your post really got me thinking about the possiblility that the "I will not vote" trope is a psyop. Given what went down during the covid scam, I am very willing to accept that we dissidents are being targeted with a finely tuned psyop packaged and delivered just for us!

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I am 100% behind Miri when she says that we should all vote. However, even if a candidate is vehemently anti-mandates, anti-lockdowns, etc, I am afraid this isn’t enough for me! Equally important is a candidate’s attitude to pro-life issues (eg abortion, euthanasia), in other words his or her stance on moral issues. Because there isn’t a Christian candidate of such calibre in my constituency, I will be spoiling my ballot paper.

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Yes - you must quiz the candidates on the issues that matter most to you, and if they don't measure up, spoil the paper.

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Yes, that is what I will be doing!

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We need to vote for Direct Democracy candidates...

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It's an interesting idea, but as someone pointed out to me recently, what if there's another "pandemic" and the nation goes to the polls about mandatory vaccines? With all the fearmongering and hypnosis on the subject, Direct Democracy in that scenario could be rather sinister...

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I agree, the masses could be cajoled into voting for something that doesn't benefit them, but how different is that to what we have now, where the masses are cajoled into accepting all the things that don't benefit them, but with no chance of rejecting them at all?

Also, if we (somehow!) managed to have a Swiss-style Direct Democracy system installed, wouldn't that mean people would have become aware of why it mattered and why they need to use their own judgement on every issue?

Couldn't have it without people wanting it, and if they want it, they will make sure it works in their favour. They just need to know it's an option and if they want it enough, it will happen.

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Miri AF - I just wanted to let you know that I’ve just voted (for an independent) and it was you that convinced me to vote rather than abstain or spoil the ballot.

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For the first time I’m thinking the unthinkable – I’m considering voting Tory.

Where I live – Dumfries & Galloway – there are effectively only two parties: Tory and SNP. The idea of “tactical voting” has applied here I.e. a vote for SNP is a vote for Labour overall.

But there are sad facts not well known:

1. The old familiar prejudiced vision of Tory as fox hunting snobs and Labour as cloth capped proles is now irrelevant.

2. Ever since Blair, there has been zero economic difference between the two main parties. Both are now parties of business as admitted by Thatcher when she called Blair her proudest achievement!

3. Labour is an utter disgrace. They represent what the Left has become I.e. woke, identity politics, the Transgender programme, the most intensive embodiment of post-covid faux proletarianism.

4. In a supreme irony, it is now the Tory voting and much hated farmers who embody the voice of “Leftist” dissent cf. Farmer protesters and also compare with the shameful smearing of the “fascist” Canadian convoy.

And so this strange world of Orwellian reversal continues.

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5. The Uniparty is made up of institutional psychopathy and various elite secret society supremacy psychoses. They have succumbed to “stakeholder capture” and signed up to total asymmetric warfare - aka Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) - against the unsuspecting civilian populations of the world with their “government loves me” and “cockup not conspiracy” coping mechanism fantasies. By all means vote Uniparty, but know they will just continue shooting fish in barrels with that vote until one day it is your kids and grandkids in the barrel.

We are all infantry soldiers at war with an ancient, entrenched enemy. Time to think and act accordingly.


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Please reconsider voting for the uni party. I am sure you would live to regret it. Why not simply spoil your ballot paper?!

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Interesting. I shall have to consider this carefully.

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I was going to spoil my ballot as the only viable participation but a local independent candidate has taken the time to answer 6 questions from Palestine Solidarity Campaign and answered positively so I will now be voting for him. He was the only one to reply- Labour, Tory, Reform and Green did not.

On a wider point while I agree with denting any uni party majority I think the slogan ‘Stop Starmer’ and seeing the Tories as a ‘lesser evil’ because allegedly they are more likely to protect our individual rights is wide of the mark - lockdowns, No jab No Job, secret DNR, genocide of Palestinians, Agenda 2030 etc etc. The same ‘lesser evil’ line is also coming from the faux Left with their mantra of “Tories Out - Don’t Trust Starmer” ie vote Labour. At the same time the ruling class are expanding the old 2 1/2 party illusion of choice and change by activating their reserve teams like Reform and Workers Party to guide us into compromising ourselves through now shifting our allegiance to these entities as the new ‘lesser evils’ who are both outriders of the status quo.

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Glad I read this. I planned to vote anyway, and have deleted the MSM Blob candidates. If those people do win, I'll be on their case - they represent me regardless of my vote and they have to do something. Democracy in action.

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Great article, as you say the "I do not consent" crowd is a mix of people who are genuinely faced with no real choice and don't want to sit at home and probably something more sinister as you suggest - the idea that the Establishment would reconsider its ways if there were a large number of spoiled ballots, which is what many backers of "I do not consent" campaign suggest, is madness in my view and should be exposed as such.

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Jul 2
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“Regime mind-bender”. So bloody true. He’s a living, breathing “revelation of the method”. Another “institution” conspicuous in its absence: MIND, When the people of the nation were being psychogenically assaulted and propagandised via military-grade, full spectrum psycho-warfare into being paralysed with fear by taxpayer-funded wall-to-wall media saturation to the point of volunteering for or even demanding their own enslavement, impoverishment and demise, the nation’s leading mental health charity and campaigning organisation was nowhere to be seen. Barely a whimper or a peep.

I also have doubts about the authenticity, genuineness and provenance of avowed “friend of Mossad… ahem, Israel” Laura Dodsworth’s “State of Fear”, arguably the first major chronicle of the iatro-psychocide. Timing too perfect, almost scripted on a schedule from a “relative unknown”, too many “insider” scoops, too well targeted and promoted among dissidents, too much like a psyop within a psyop…

Silence where we least expected it, fevered compliance where we were least surprised by it, dissidence from where we had never heard of… yet never have Miri’s “if you know their name, they’re in the game”, or Carlin’s “it’s a big club and you’re not in it” sounded so prophetic or profound…

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Jul 3
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Noting your clever demoralisation reference to Yuri B and concurring with your alignment to the mental health “industry”. Iatrogenesis is one of several asymmetric assault vectors, and the psychiatric dimension is no less strategic than the pharmaceutical, especially when writ large at an immersive societal scale via engineered social psychoses. It’s World War 3 against a 4th Reich using 5th Generation Warfare.

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Yes, I thought this was very strange and very sinister also. I reckon they paid him off. Then again, isn't he already rich? I can't watch him anymore and now I truly wonder about his allegiance and motives.

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