What a fabulous letter Miri well done. You’ve just reminded me why I don’t read these newspapers anymore!

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Thank you, Caitriona - and a very wise decision!

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24Liked by Miri AF

Wow, blistering letter Miri, well done.

You probably already know Australia is well down the road of coercive vaccination policy...

This was cemented in place with the national No Jab, No Pay law for children's vaccination, implemented in January 2016, followed by No Jab, No Play laws in the states.

These coercive laws/policies should never have been put in place because they trash voluntary informed consent for vaccination. Big problem - the medical profession went along with it. The medical profession should have refused to collaborate with coercive/mandated vaccination...but they went along with it.

If they've vaccinated people they knew were under coercion, they've violated voluntary informed consent... This still does not seem to be understood in Australia.

And of course it all went batshit crazy with the phony manufactured Covid crisis, with people being mandated to have the Covid jabs to maintain their livelihoods and participate in society - No Jab, No Job to No Jab, No Life.

It's absolutely shocking what's happened in Australia! Personal autonomy and bodily integrity was stolen from so many people...but the fact is it's been in happening for years, e.g. with children injected before they're of an age to give their own voluntary informed consent. They're just fodder for the ever-increasing number of vaccine products and revaccinations being added to the schedule.

In regard to the coercive vaccination laws for children, along with many others I made a submission against this in 2015, here's the link: https://elizabethhart.files.wordpress.com/2024/01/sub425_hart-1.pdf Unfortunately the hyperlinks in the document are broken now, but you will get the gist.

In regard to the Covid vaccination debacle, see for example these emails:

- Re: Are health practitioners in effect being conscripted to participate in the Australian government's Covid-19 vaccination rollout, in contravention of the Australian Constitution? 15 August 2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/08/re_-are-health-practitioners-in-effect-being-conscripted-1.pdf

- Notification to AHPRA re medical practitioner Paul Kelly, Chief Medical Officer of Australia and Chair of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC), 16 June 2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/notification-to-ahpra-re-medical-practitioner-paul-kelly.pdf

- Reckless disregard for voluntary informed consent - the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021, 31 July 2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/07/reckless-disregard-for-voluntary-informed-consent-the-ahpra-position-statement-9-march-2021.pdf

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Many thanks, Elizabeth, and yes, the situation in Australia is utterly shocking. Very well done on your tireless hard work to challenge this tyranny.

On a personal note, I have relatives in Australia, and one healthy couple in their early seventies, whose passion was world travel, got the jab. Within months, the wife had developed aggressive stage 4 lung cancer (she had never smoked) and died soon after diagnosis. Less than a year later, her husband was found dead in bed from a cardiac event.

There is very little doubt in my mind as to what caused this double tragedy.

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Honestly Miri, I wonder at what might happen here if the people wake up to how they’ve been betrayed across the board by politicians, the medical profession, the ‘regulator’, the research sector, the legal profession, and the mainstream media.

The entire system is rotten! In a supposed free country.

Very sorry to hear about your Australian relatives suffering disastrous adverse events after the jabs. Who knows what the real story is, with cover-ups in overdrive.

It seems Australia has been a test bed for coercive vaccination for years. They’ve kept trying to bring it in the UK, but it seems the Montgomery ruling protects you, while the Rogers v Whitaker case here is ignored.

The bottom line - in my opinion no-one is giving authentic voluntary informed consent to vaccination, because no-one is being properly informed about the risk of disease or the vaccine products.

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Thank you, Elizabeth, and I completely agree.

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Jan 23Liked by Miri AF

Fantastic! Can't wait to read his response!!

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Jan 23Liked by Miri AF

I suspect the next thing we’ll be reading about him is a story “Died suddenly at his desk while reading a letter from a reader.”

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Thank you, Elinor, and I'll keep you posted...

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Jan 24Liked by Miri AF

Excellent work, Miri!

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Thank you, Simon!

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Miri AF

Miri, you say: “You cannot ethically (or indeed legally) make compulsory a pharmaceutical intervention that carries with it risk. That is why no vaccination (or any pharmaceutical product) is compulsory in the UK.”

Is this actually true? Are some people compelled to have vaccinations in the UK? For example members of the armed forces? See for example this webpage on vaccinations for the Royal Navy: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/careers/joining-process/get-fit-to-join/vaccinations

What do you think about this?

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Thanks Elizabeth, you are of course right that some professions / training courses make vaccines compulsory, which is shocking, and certainly worth challenging - however, I think the argument would be that since it is not compulsory to be in those environments (e.g., nobody is obliged to join the Navy should they not want to), then vaccination itself is still not compulsory.

I think of compulsory as meaning penalties / fines if one doesn't comply, rather as being a requirement of a specific job / study course, which one could just decide not to do.

I did at one point briefly think of entering nursing myself, but swiftly changed my mind once I found out the Hep B vaccine was compulsory!

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This is important to think about Miri…it’s a slippery slope.

If it’s accepted to deny voluntary informed consent for vaccination for a group of people, where does it end?

This is what happened in Australia with ‘No Jab, No Job’ to ‘No Jab, No Life’.

I’ve argued this matter rests with the medical profession. Practitioners are obligated to ensure they have voluntary informed consent for vaccination, or people can freely refuse the intervention if they so wish.

If a practitioner knows a person is presenting before them under coercion or mandates they should refuse to undertake the medical intervention, i.e. vaccination.

So in the case of the Royal Navy insisting on vaccination, I argue the medical profession should refuse to vaccinate people who are under duress to comply.

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I absolutely agree with you from an ethical perspective. but if this were this to reach court, a judge would rule the vaccination was not compulsory, since the job was not compulsory, e.g., an employer can set whatever stipulations they like for the job, and if a person doesn't consent to them, then they don't apply. If a person knows certain vaccinations are required for a job (as is the case in the Navy, see here: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/careers/joining-process/get-fit-to-join/vaccinations) and applies anyway, then they have effectively consented.

The Navy and other such organisations who make these stipulations will continue to get away with it as long as people keep applying to them. The best way of changing this would be to encourage people to boycott organisations that stipulate vaccination requirements. Once The Navy had a recruitment crisis, and knew it was because of vaccines, they'd soon change their tune - but once someone has accepted the job and terms of service, including any vaccination requirements, they don't have a strong case to object, unfortunately.

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This is really serious to think about!!!

Are people signing away their bodies to the state if they enlist in the armed forces, become medical practitioners?

For children, they have zero choice, they are injected as infants.

This has all been happening without serious ethical consideration!

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Unfortunately that is exactly what they do when they enter such industries.

Obviously if it was up to me, I would ban all vaccines immediately. But whilst they remain legal, then parents have the "choice" to inject their children with them, and increasingly, children have the "choice" to inject themselves, as per the UK's Gillick competency ruling: https://www.informedconsentmatters.co.uk/copy-of-flu-vaccine

It's diabolical. But I think the way we change it is through education and empowering people to exert their autonomy and say "no". If enough of us said that, these corrupt institutions would be forced to change.

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Miri, this is still not addressing my point about the injecting practitioners (who also include the hairdressers and air stewards and others I understand injected people with Covid vaccines in the UK…)

These practitioners also have a choice - if they undertake a medical intervention they know has been imposed on people, even if those people have chosen to take on jobs with a vaccination requirement, the practitioner has collaborated with an incentivised/coercive medical intervention. If the practitioner undertakes the medical intervention where they know the person has not freely given their informed consent, the practitioner has violated voluntary informed consent.

Again, in the big picture, the leadership of the medical profession should have acted on this and refused to collaborate with imposed medical interventions. They should not inject people who have not freely given their informed consent.

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Let’s look at the Royal Navy example: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/careers/joining-process/get-fit-to-join/vaccinations


When you join the Royal Navy, you will require certain vaccinations. It will greatly speed up the joining process if you have already had the following childhood vaccinations:

* MMR 1 and 2

* Meningitis ACWY and Meningitis B

* Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio

* The BCG Tuberculosis vaccine

*  HPV Vaccine (for females only)

* Screening for Rubella if you are working in medicine or healthcare

You will also require the following service vaccinations:

* Yellow fever

* Typhoid

* Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio

* Hepatitis A

* Hepatitis B

* Anthrax


That’s a lot of medical interventions! Is the injecting practitioner an expert in all these diseases and vaccine products? Are they qualified to obtain voluntary informed consent for these medical interventions?

Consider for example Consent in the UK Green Book:


It is a legal and ethical principle that valid consent must be obtained before starting personal care, treatment or investigations. This reflects the rights of individuals to decide what happens to their own bodies and consent is a fundamental principle of good healthcare and professional practice.

Healthcare professionals (or other non-registered healthcare workers) who do not respect these principles may be liable to legal action and/or action by their professional body.


For consent to immunisation to the [sic] valid, it must be given freely, voluntarily and without coercion by an appropriately informed person who has the mental capacity to consent to the administration of the vaccines in question.


See more here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/65290228244f8e00138e7524/Green-book-chapter-2-consent-12oct23.pdf

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And this still doesn’t address the fact that a practitioner who injects someone under duress to submit to a medical intervention is violating voluntary informed consent.

In the big picture, an ethical medical profession should take a stand against governments, employers or others demanding that people submit to medical interventions on demand - the medical profession should refuse to collaborate with this.

This is the big failure - the medical profession has collaborated with violating voluntary informed consent.

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Jan 24Liked by Miri AF

Articulate and incisive as ever

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Many thanks, Christian.

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