A very overdue exchange (which is entirely my fault and not theirs!) between me and the indomitable Dom and Chris of the Sheep Farm.
We had a thoroughly enjoyable and wide-ranging chat, covering the full gamut of the conspiracy compendium, including whether we should or should nor refer to ourselves as “conspiracy theorists”.
Well, as Dave Collum said…
“I am a conspiracy theorist. I believe that men and women of wealth and power, conspire. If you don’t think so, you are what is called “an idiot”.
The Sheep Farm sibs are as far from idiots as can be (although they are self-confessed Masonic MI5 shills - but aren’t we all?!).
Hope you enjoy this as much as I did (link below).
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I'm about to listen to your chat on my walk, Miri, but just to say on the subject of calling oneself a conspiracy theorist:
1. It's their term and it's used to gaslight
2. Sure conspiracies occur and you've got to be stupid not to think they do but the majority of the calling out of "controversial" conspiracies is for the particular type, psychological operations or psyops so why not use the more appropriate term? The thing is it's not that normies don't accept conspiracies at all, they'll accept conspiracies of graft and corruption laid bare in the media, they simply cannot accept fabricated news such as terror events pushed out as real and similar. As soon as blood and bandages are involved their brains turn to mush - in fact, even for some of those who are more awake blood and bandages have a mushing effect.
3. We don't call "conspiracy", we say "There's something wrong with the story." It's the anti-conspiracists who distort our criticism into "conspiracy theory".
4. "Theory" suggests an explanation based on thin grounds, however, as psyops always employ their Revelation of the Method technique where's the theory? If you know how to decode their RoM (or even if you just make 2 + 2 = 4 and don't accept 5) there's no theory, it's all laid bare before you.
I simply do not think of myself as a conspiracy theorist, I think of myself as a psyop analyst.
My magnum opus - 12 logical fallacies unmasked in the use of the terms "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracy theorist", https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/11-logical-fallacies-unmasked-in
Great chat with the sheep farm guys. Thank you! It's all becoming somewhat overwhelming. No matter how much I learn (and I think I'm quite well down the 'hole') the enormity & scale - both in time & space - of what is being inflicted (and has been planned for so long) on humanity is almost superhuman, supernatural or quite outside our existing levels of perception. Keep going Miri. We must keep trying ...