Aug 6Liked by Miri AF

Well done Miri for pushing back with facts and defending the people of your town and this island. You do more from your (small - yet not insignificant) platform than 90% of the 'alternative media' ever do. Thank you.

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Thank you, Heartland, much appreciated!

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A deserved compliment imho. You punch way above your weight sister.

Hard enough to make, even a 2024, Olympian opponent pause for thought. Great letter, exactly what needed to be said. [fist bump emoji]

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Haha, thank you, Leo!

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Aug 6Liked by Miri AF

Excellent letter, in the tradition of pointing out loudly and publicly that the Emperor is naked (and lying his nuts off).

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Aug 6Liked by Miri AF

Well done Miri, can't wait to see the council responseh though can imagine it! Now I see what the purpose is fir the 'young men of fighting age asylum seekers who are not from any new war zones' landing in the UK are here for. To use as 'protection' to enforce 'lockdowns'. Probably going to be kitted up to look like UN soldiers. Not too far fetched to even liken them to the Maui UN imported 'peace keepers'. Or is that just a stretch too far ??

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I've been thinking about that a lot. Too many people are categorizing immigrants as foreign, to be feared or blamed. I've lived in foreign countries my whole life, they're just people, as easily propagandized or incentivised as anyone else. More so in some ways.

Low level security roles for a couple of years, taking people's shit in supermarkets to go home and care for their loved ones as best they can. After following the gov't and incentivised rules for a few years trying to integrate they realize a lot of locals don't like them. Because they follow the rules they build up their security resume and eventually make emergency response constable. Shit kicks off and they're scared or angry like everyone else and behave accordingly, follow the trained behaviour/rules.

Those that forget the past are doomed to relive it, many never even heard it the first time around.

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Aug 6Liked by Miri AF

Very well done Miri. Take these arseholes to task. You write very well and cover all the salient points. Give them more than heck. They need to all lose their jobs. This is despicable.

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Aug 6Liked by Miri AF

Excellent stuff Miri! I look forward to the council's response, although if past experience is anything to go by, it may be a long time coming.

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Aug 6Liked by Miri AF

Yes I forgot to say, Miri, thank you for your words that say just what I've been thinking far better than I ever could. I saw a BBC article appear on social media very shortly after one of the incidents. Barely a paragraph in, it was 'what we really need is fast tracking the Online Harms Bill and stepping up digital surveillance'. They really couldn't make it more obvious if they tried. Let's hope the Council has the decorum to send a well considered reply in good faith!

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The council will be full of either trained change agents (upper management - the 'posh ones'), or people who are scared of losing their jobs (so they will say nothing). Miri has done an excellent letter, but I fear that they will simply ignore it (or call her a 'racist'). Local authorities have all been completely infiltrated, hence why Ngubu and Mohammed are picking up the phone whenever you try to call the council.

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That's true. And neither Ngubu or Mohammed are to blame. They're just following incentives and trusting the government that offers them.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6

Leo, I don't know. I am coming to the conclusion that both Ngubu and Mohammed are to blame. They know exactly what is going on globally, and they taking advantage of a weak, liberal system.

4 weeks ago I was in a sauna and talking to a muslim guy and a sikh guy. I asked the muslim guy a question which I ask many non-whites whenever I get the opportunity. I asked him 'what do you think is going to happen when all the white people leave/are gone (like they have been doing in cities like London and Leicester - exiting)?' I asked him, 'Do you think all of the muslims, sikhs, rastas, buddhists, hindus, blacks, arabs, asians are all going to get along when the white people are all gone/replaced/moved out?'

The muslim gentlemen then explained to me that 'even muslims don't get on with each other'. (which we all know anyway).

When I asked him why is he even in the UK when there are specific islamic places to live in the world which must be more healthy for muslims? I even endeavored to explain to him that if I was a muslim and looked around the world for the better locations for muslims to live I would consider Malaysia (moderate islamic state, islamic family values and islamic education - friendly, decent climate) he left the sauna in a huff. This is because he KNOWS that Malaysia most likely would not let him in! THEY DON'T WANT HIM there.

In the UK we appear to predominantly only receive muslims from particular parts of the world. Whereas, for example, muslims of the Aga Khan faith - i.e. where the Aga Khan leader is a white guy and which is centered around Portugal/Switzerland (and who are accused by middle-eastern Sunni muslims as 'heretics'/'kuffar' (dogs) because they are Shias who are also not fully representative of the Islamic faith) yet people in the UK have been trained to only see a certain type of muslim who has actually been pushed out by their own and are living in enclaves in Huddersfield/Bradford.

Can I ask why is the "Brit-ish" regime importing people who are divisive even within their own culture/religion? Why are they even here when they have beautiful places to go from Morrocco in the west to Indonesia in the east ? They chose to come here at the behest of their colonial "Brit-ish" slave masters, so how can they not be to blame? Surely they cannot be so dumb that they don't know what is going on?

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I agree many are not entirely naïve of the system they are exploiting, just that they're being human and responding to incentives. Same as some generations of Brits who free-rode the welfare system and taxes of others. It's the people that set the incentives I blame, which is the criminal governments of the world.

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Aug 6Liked by Miri AF

I don't know whether the Council notice was written by senior officers or elected members but I hope both cllrs and management seriously reflect on what you've written - as opposed to hubristically treating it as a slight and dismissing it. Kirklees Council - please read this letter very carefully and take something from it. I'm a Kirklees resident and I dearly hope that Council management and elected leaders will use their position of influence and step into a genuine leadership role. Noone can be oblivious to the huge shifts taking place in the world (I'm talking at a much deeper level than the latest problem-reaction-solution distraction) and it's surely the role for our leaders to humbly educate themselves in order to make good decisions in the interests of the local people. I've seen the way that the Council has fallen into line without hesitation to follow the dictates of central government - notably since 2020. Well here's a thought - what about Kirklees Council forms a view on the Big Picture dangers we currently face and envisions what it can do to put Kirklees people in the best possible position to withstand what's coming. It's called vision - strategy - prioritisation. Like we REALLY mean it. I truly hope that senior people in the Council have been having these conversations already - but if not and you're not sure where to start - talk to us, the people. Talk to us the people like you really mean it.

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Thank you, Sylvie. The warning was signed by four specific ward councillors, one of them a councillor for Crosland Moor where I live, so I understand that he - as my specific elected representative - is legally obliged to reply. I see that today this man is Retweeting calls from senior lawyers for social media to be shut down over "the riots", thereby confirming exactly what I said in the letter about why these riots have been manufactured and exaggerated.

The letter has also gone to the CEO of the council, Steve Mawson, and various other council staff, as well as the local paper.

You are absolutely right in what you say about the council and I very much hope they take heed of your advice.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6

Here's the "Brit-ish" colonial police telling their colonial imported subjects that they are 'not against you guys, we're here to help you'.

The Reactions to the England Riots


Regardless of what we may think about this (possibly staged Southport incident and following 'riots' scenario). The "Brit-ish" regime are slowly weaponising their colonial slave imports against the native population. They are dog-training them to be hunter-killers.

It's right there on video. They are here to help 'you' [i.e. THEM] (let that sink in).

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Miri, are readers of your blog/reports aware of the following:

That "Brit-ish" is hebrew for 'people of the contract/the covenant'?

That "Brit-ain" is hebrew for 'land of the contract/the covenant"?

That the St. Georges cross (the white flag with the red cross) is NOT the flag of England? The "Brit-ish" regime pushes it as so - it is another psy-op.

That England was the FIRST colony of the "Brit-ish" regime?

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They're sorry. They made a mistake. They really meant that everyone should stay home huddled together because the first case of the long thought extinct pre-Cro-magnon polio bird flu was "diagnosed" in a baby calf 250 miles to the north. Remember, they've been warning about this resurgence for many years.

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Tremendous letter. I wonder if you will get a semi-literate reply?

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Outstanding work, Miri, holding their feet to the fire like no one else does! Maybe one day, literally 😁

My friend, Monica, in LA is a big fan of yours and would love to have you as a guest on her show. Here's one of her recent shows featuring your insights (a Twitter link and a YT one if you'd rather.) If you're interested, just send her a tweet or reply to me here.



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Am sitting in the Ridings having a cuppa and have just been informed by a friendly old lass that the idiots in the HM police that force are expecting riots in Wakefield over the weekend - she has family members in the force .

The same force beat the shit out of the miners going about their legal peaceful protests at Orgreave.

Maybe they want less people and more actors there to film their play.

Bolshy type revolution required . Excellent article as usual Miri.

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Dear Miri, thankyou for liking my post ,I am worried though (well not really) by the use of my full name . I thought I had posted under a pseudonym.

There are not many of me about . I obviously haven't a clue when it comes to t' tinter web so when you have time please could you , or some other kind soul, put me right. Thanks ever so much .

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