"They" want to weaken us in every conceivable way they can. Their callous calculated social engineering to separate people is so typical of their dark dreary destructive intentions overall. There is no warmth or sincerity in any of their cold-hearted hollow manipulations, only a deathly descent towards controlled extinction. That's why we instinctively know we have to walk in the opposite direction and joyfully defy them. Keep tearing up their Script!

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Thank you Nigel, and you are absolutely right in all you say (and I appreciate the abundant alliteration!).

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Thanks, Miri, for your thorough and thoughtful article decoding the hidden intent from the newspapers (so we don't have to!)

(For some reason I cannot 'like' back on many occasions recently on substack. It seems to be another mind-game to wear us down).

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May 20Liked by Miri AF

Bloody brilliant article 🙌 thanks 👍

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What a convoluted article from the Guardian. It was so unrealistic to me, but in this inverted and subverted world the new normal is constantly changing. Constant change is here to stay. What a good case you make Miri for what used to be called conventional marriage. Biblical Christians would agree.

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Miri AF

Excellent article, Miri (and what rubbish from the Guardian, which I have never read). Monogamy was instituted by God, if you believe, as I do, that the Bible is the manual for life. God created Adam and Eve and monogamy was the ideal (although in the Old Testament, which shows humans warts and all, it was not stuck to which mostly led to problems further down the line).

It’s a shame we don’t tend to live in larger family units. We would if we could and our son and his family and us often consider how we could do it and will hopefully achieve it one of these days. At least we live very close to them! We, in the West at least, have become quite selfish in wanting our own space.

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Thank you, Miri, for the public service!

There nothing more natural for a man to meet a woman and have a spark of attraction that will develop into the flame of relations. There is nothing more natural to have children as a result of such relations and to keep such relation’s flame “until god takes us apart”. This is the only reality that is natural and the one that supports the life. “The planners”, via MSM, bring the illusion into the life of people. This illusion tries to extinguish the flame of relationship using all possible trick and methods. Destroying natural, long term relationship is the destroying of the life itself. The only healthy advise I would give to young people – do stop to listen and read the garbage of illusion that the modern media is and return to reality. But, have the young been listening to the old ever!?

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