I knew the moment I saw it that this was a set-up. Do we really think the American security services are so inept not to spot a gunman in a prime position? And from that prime position, with technology as accurate and idiot-proof as it is today, how could the gunman have missed? I disagree on the purpose of this little performance, however. I see it more as a good reason for trump to come down hard on gun ownership - they have to take those pesky guns away from the people because, God forbid, Joe Public might actually be able to fight back against all the ramped-up tyranny that is planned.
What are the chances? A bullet fired from distance just happens to graze Trump's ear producing theatrical amounts of blood when he doesn't even appear to be as auricularly well-endowed as say King Charles?
Who needs Netflix when everything in ‘the news’ is a scripted drama. As you say, how can anyone believe a single thing they see in the media without questioning it?
Love your conspiracy theorist romance story, it was obviously kismet 👍🏻
Seems that the "actors" turned politicians are actually bad actors starting with the fake leader of Canada. Reagan was bad and Trump, well he takes the cake, I suppose. The narcissism keeps getting in the way of all of them to make them truly believable. It is like they have no conscious as the lies and deceit are endless.
Brilliant Miri. Covid is the litmus test and trump failed and thereby showed his true allegiance. His role is intriguing and very well played to be honest - look the whole establishment is against him! But it’s all a show. Great explanation that resonates with me. Thanks Miri.
Like Laura, as soon as I heard of the shooting, I thought it was another set-up and also possibly to come down on gun ownership. It's all too obvious and suspicious. Yes, someone died and someone else was severely injured but nothing that has happened so far makes me think 'they' would care about a 'little' collateral damage - death is nothing to them, indeed they appear to thrive on it. BTW, I am a Christian, have American cousins and do not think Trump will be a saviour - he is simply the other side to the coin of Biden. It's Trump's/the Republicans' 'turn' next, rather like they determined it was Labour's turn here this time round.
I think 9/11 showed how little they care about killing people. We are probably no more important than irritating bugs to them and if a few (hundred) of us get squashed 'accidentally' by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, then so be it.
Fantastic piece Miri. Trump is in on it. Its comical to watch but painful to listen to the counter narrative that's out there. If (and its a big if) there was a person killed this makes you seem inhuman when you say it was staged. They're pretty good at the manipulation, less so the execution.
Your comment about WikiLeaks brought me up short—a bit embarrassed about missing something so obvious. A really great “cutout” as they call it in the propaganda business.
I am waiting this out! It looked a pretty good assassination attempt to me. I'll wait and see what some of my Christian informants have to say. Incidentally they are not regarding Trump as a saviour figure. It does appear that this will enhance his presidential prospects.
I await more evidence. For the moment it appears the shooter and one innocent were killed, along with another serious injury. If this was play-acting, it was also murder. That's pretty dark.
I suggest the near universal response about how this ensures a Trump win is political froth - this is not a primary consideration right now.
The fact remains - for unknown reasons so far, 2 people are dead. Full disclosure has to be made. Democrat free loading social meedjah about 'misses' are obscene.
You seem very concerned about the two deaths and one serious injury - and please don't get me wrong, I think you are very right to be concerned about this, but it's just that it's small beans in comparison to the vast numbers of people who have been killed - murdered, I should say - over the years through the various atrocities carried out involving innocent people. I mentioned 9/11 because that is one of the most recent mass murder events to have taken place.......but then I'm forgetting what's been happening over the last four years. How many innocent people have been murdered and injured due to a certain medical procedure that they were coerced into undergoing for no good reason?
Dear Laura, thank you for answering. I can not fault anything you have written.
My point - perhaps not clear - is the path from political debate to death. This is not a logical path, and should not be tolerated. It is one thing to argue, to discuss - it is quite another to be part of intended termination of life.
For this reason political bad actors who have imposed loss of life or disability on the public through their own neglect should answer to us all - via court. This applies especially to the Blob who raced through mRNA potions knowing the bucks would flow and the consequences were not going to be pretty.
The Blob lied then, and it is still lying. This is exposed thanks to the passion and work of people like you.
Further to my earlier comment I think I need to make it clear that I do believe in false flags. Also the Christian people I refer to are in the USA and are familiar with conspiracy theories. They don't specialise in them but are perceptive and not naive.
Scusatemi se scrivo in italiano, ma preferisco che ci sia in originale piuttosto che incollarvi la traduzione da google che non so valutare se sia fedele.
Miriam, intanto auguri per il tuo Matrimonio e poi, visto che leggo commenti con riferimenti cristiani, un pò ovunque, consiglierei:
a) di approfondire con calma cosa dice davvero l'antico testamento e la manipolazione che ne è stata fatta nei secoli con il nuovo testamento.
b) di approfondire l'esegesi del nome Miriam; anche questo è davvero interessante rispetto al ruolo che ti sei ritagliata con queste missive.
Ciò premesso...personalmente ritengo che tutto sia possibile, ma con le dovute percentuali statistiche.
1) che un ragazzo armato di fucile possa salire su quell'isolato tetto e sparare 4/5 colpi da 130 mt. a Trump, durante un discorso elettorale, in questo periodo, è improbabile, ma possibile.
2) che i colpi sparati con quel fucile di precisione da 130 mt lo colpiscano ad un orecchio e non alla nuca a causa di un leggero movimento del capo, fatto al millesimo di secondo, è improbabile ma non impossibile.
3) la percentuale statistica che quanto ci hanno raccontato possa in realtà accadere è davvero molto bassa....credo nell'ordine dello 0,..%
Da millenni in pochi comandano e la moltitudine obbedisce.
Nei millenni, chi comandava, è venuto spesso destituito quando rompeva l'equilibrio tra sfruttare le persone ma, permetterle una vita appena sufficiente.
Credo che oggi ci troviamo nella situazione in cui i governanti abbiano rotto il patto sociale.
Con la falsa pandemia da Covid e i cambiamenti climatici hanno davvero esagerato.
In qualche modo devono uscirne e provare a continuare a governarci.
Teatro a parte, la speranza è che abbiano capito l'errore e tentino di giocare il cavallo Trump per riportare un pò di sano equilibrio.
In realtà non credo sia così semplice.
L'informazione oggi gira alla velocità della luce e se non riusciranno più a manipolare le persone(e stanno faticando nonostante la censura) l'umanità si troverà di fronte ad un periodo sconosciuto...dovrà governarsi da sola.... bella sfida.
I knew the moment I saw it that this was a set-up. Do we really think the American security services are so inept not to spot a gunman in a prime position? And from that prime position, with technology as accurate and idiot-proof as it is today, how could the gunman have missed? I disagree on the purpose of this little performance, however. I see it more as a good reason for trump to come down hard on gun ownership - they have to take those pesky guns away from the people because, God forbid, Joe Public might actually be able to fight back against all the ramped-up tyranny that is planned.
What are the chances? A bullet fired from distance just happens to graze Trump's ear producing theatrical amounts of blood when he doesn't even appear to be as auricularly well-endowed as say King Charles?
Who needs Netflix when everything in ‘the news’ is a scripted drama. As you say, how can anyone believe a single thing they see in the media without questioning it?
Love your conspiracy theorist romance story, it was obviously kismet 👍🏻
Very well reasoned, Miri. Makes sense.
Macron seems to have met le Brigitte at 14/15yo who was his …🥁… drama teacher!
Oh, good spot!
Great story on how you met your husband!!
Seems that the "actors" turned politicians are actually bad actors starting with the fake leader of Canada. Reagan was bad and Trump, well he takes the cake, I suppose. The narcissism keeps getting in the way of all of them to make them truly believable. It is like they have no conscious as the lies and deceit are endless.
I think they've no conscience because they're playing the role of the villain and know it's just a role like Hannibal Lecter.
This is also what I concluded...https://miriaf.co.uk/whats-the-difference-between-acting-and-lying/
Brilliant Miri. Covid is the litmus test and trump failed and thereby showed his true allegiance. His role is intriguing and very well played to be honest - look the whole establishment is against him! But it’s all a show. Great explanation that resonates with me. Thanks Miri.
Ninja fast Miri and super useful to have something so well written to share.
Like Laura, as soon as I heard of the shooting, I thought it was another set-up and also possibly to come down on gun ownership. It's all too obvious and suspicious. Yes, someone died and someone else was severely injured but nothing that has happened so far makes me think 'they' would care about a 'little' collateral damage - death is nothing to them, indeed they appear to thrive on it. BTW, I am a Christian, have American cousins and do not think Trump will be a saviour - he is simply the other side to the coin of Biden. It's Trump's/the Republicans' 'turn' next, rather like they determined it was Labour's turn here this time round.
I think 9/11 showed how little they care about killing people. We are probably no more important than irritating bugs to them and if a few (hundred) of us get squashed 'accidentally' by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, then so be it.
I absolutely agree!
Fantastic piece Miri. Trump is in on it. Its comical to watch but painful to listen to the counter narrative that's out there. If (and its a big if) there was a person killed this makes you seem inhuman when you say it was staged. They're pretty good at the manipulation, less so the execution.
Your comment about WikiLeaks brought me up short—a bit embarrassed about missing something so obvious. A really great “cutout” as they call it in the propaganda business.
Nice to hear about your marriage. Best of luck.
I am waiting this out! It looked a pretty good assassination attempt to me. I'll wait and see what some of my Christian informants have to say. Incidentally they are not regarding Trump as a saviour figure. It does appear that this will enhance his presidential prospects.
I await more evidence. For the moment it appears the shooter and one innocent were killed, along with another serious injury. If this was play-acting, it was also murder. That's pretty dark.
I suggest the near universal response about how this ensures a Trump win is political froth - this is not a primary consideration right now.
The fact remains - for unknown reasons so far, 2 people are dead. Full disclosure has to be made. Democrat free loading social meedjah about 'misses' are obscene.
And how many people died on 9/11?
Why do you ask?
You seem very concerned about the two deaths and one serious injury - and please don't get me wrong, I think you are very right to be concerned about this, but it's just that it's small beans in comparison to the vast numbers of people who have been killed - murdered, I should say - over the years through the various atrocities carried out involving innocent people. I mentioned 9/11 because that is one of the most recent mass murder events to have taken place.......but then I'm forgetting what's been happening over the last four years. How many innocent people have been murdered and injured due to a certain medical procedure that they were coerced into undergoing for no good reason?
Dear Laura, thank you for answering. I can not fault anything you have written.
My point - perhaps not clear - is the path from political debate to death. This is not a logical path, and should not be tolerated. It is one thing to argue, to discuss - it is quite another to be part of intended termination of life.
For this reason political bad actors who have imposed loss of life or disability on the public through their own neglect should answer to us all - via court. This applies especially to the Blob who raced through mRNA potions knowing the bucks would flow and the consequences were not going to be pretty.
The Blob lied then, and it is still lying. This is exposed thanks to the passion and work of people like you.
Further to my earlier comment I think I need to make it clear that I do believe in false flags. Also the Christian people I refer to are in the USA and are familiar with conspiracy theories. They don't specialise in them but are perceptive and not naive.
Awesome work, Miri! 💯😻
bell'argomento Miriam.
Scusatemi se scrivo in italiano, ma preferisco che ci sia in originale piuttosto che incollarvi la traduzione da google che non so valutare se sia fedele.
Miriam, intanto auguri per il tuo Matrimonio e poi, visto che leggo commenti con riferimenti cristiani, un pò ovunque, consiglierei:
a) di approfondire con calma cosa dice davvero l'antico testamento e la manipolazione che ne è stata fatta nei secoli con il nuovo testamento.
b) di approfondire l'esegesi del nome Miriam; anche questo è davvero interessante rispetto al ruolo che ti sei ritagliata con queste missive.
Ciò premesso...personalmente ritengo che tutto sia possibile, ma con le dovute percentuali statistiche.
1) che un ragazzo armato di fucile possa salire su quell'isolato tetto e sparare 4/5 colpi da 130 mt. a Trump, durante un discorso elettorale, in questo periodo, è improbabile, ma possibile.
2) che i colpi sparati con quel fucile di precisione da 130 mt lo colpiscano ad un orecchio e non alla nuca a causa di un leggero movimento del capo, fatto al millesimo di secondo, è improbabile ma non impossibile.
3) la percentuale statistica che quanto ci hanno raccontato possa in realtà accadere è davvero molto bassa....credo nell'ordine dello 0,..%
Da millenni in pochi comandano e la moltitudine obbedisce.
Nei millenni, chi comandava, è venuto spesso destituito quando rompeva l'equilibrio tra sfruttare le persone ma, permetterle una vita appena sufficiente.
Credo che oggi ci troviamo nella situazione in cui i governanti abbiano rotto il patto sociale.
Con la falsa pandemia da Covid e i cambiamenti climatici hanno davvero esagerato.
In qualche modo devono uscirne e provare a continuare a governarci.
Teatro a parte, la speranza è che abbiano capito l'errore e tentino di giocare il cavallo Trump per riportare un pò di sano equilibrio.
In realtà non credo sia così semplice.
L'informazione oggi gira alla velocità della luce e se non riusciranno più a manipolare le persone(e stanno faticando nonostante la censura) l'umanità si troverà di fronte ad un periodo sconosciuto...dovrà governarsi da sola.... bella sfida.