Very perceptive article. Friday night drinks made the five day week bearable! I notice how many youths also seem to look asexual as well as claim to feel it. I am still wondering how they will “attack” sports gatherings or concerts where people congregate socially in large numbers. They are probably working overtime to strangle this communal outlet.

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A very perceptive piece Miri if somewhat depressing. I am a grandparent and I really do worry about the world my grandchildren are going to experience.

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My Son is in exactly the position you describe. He is happy WFH however as a parent I know he is missing out on so much life experience.

At least he is awake, having listened to his parents drone on about the evil va-cc-ines, lockdowns and the new world order etc.............. (surprised he hasn't wanted to leave home!)

I live in hope that one day he will branch out into the real world.

However Draconian anti car policies going forward will reduce the number of potential workplaces we could daily commute to.

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You make so many great points Miri on such an important topic.

Commuting to office jobs in London for over 20 years from the age of 17 was such an important factor in my life. I can’t imagine missing out on working with people from different generations, backgrounds, political views etc and the numerous nights out after work that helped to form lifelong friendships.

I have no doubt office life today is very different to the office life of the 80’s and 90’s but it must be a far better working and living experience than being stuck at home in isolation every day.

As you say though, the Gen Z don’t know what they’re missing because they haven’t experienced it. It’s very sad.

Parents must emphasise the benefits of a ‘real life’ to their children, one that cannot be experienced from the ‘safety’ of home.

We can only hope for a change in attitudes 🤞🏻

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Cracking article Miri…as always. The addiction to phones and social media is astonishing to the extent that even older adults can’t wait for a bus or train without they head down looking at their echo chambers!! I fully agree with Gen Z and a lot of it isn’t their fault either. It’s a cozy life and I can’t help but feel life for Gen Z has been a little “cozy” which also makes life quite hard doesn’t it?? Sounds like a strange concept but if you’re not out there risking and enjoying life “out there” the cozy life can have repercussions as you rightly and excellently point out in this wonderful substack. Working from home is an excellent introduction but I agree that it’s almost like too much of a good thing and that is never a good thing on the whole is it?! And you are right the slightly older generation have kind of earned that and younger people should be “out there” experiencing it.

It’s important we’re getting our kids up and out doing sports, music, hanging out in the woods building dens, climbing trees and all that. We flexi school our 3 kids. 1 day at home, 3 days at Montessori school and 1 day at forest school - in all weather which is character building - and they love all of it. They play guitar and violin, do gymnastics, ballet, hockey and swimming every week…but they love to hang out in the woods and by the beach and with their mates…no phone allowed.

Oh, one more thing. I think I saw something about a rule coming into schools that meant kids couldn’t have phones at school from next year (or year after). I wonder what kids will do now when they are outside at break time!! They won’t be stood around chatting all looking at phones! That is a good move because so many kids are just lost without a ohone. I am so so so pleased I was 20 before anyone really had a mobile phone.

Anyway, thanks Miri. Amazing work again!

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Re: your comments on health. Environmental toxicity is THE #1 problem in our society.

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Good article with which I wholeheartedly agree.

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Si jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait.

I just hope that young people will be grown up fast enough to remain people.

Thank you , Miri, for great read, as usual.

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Ah! The cleaners wil be paid the same as the CEO. Superb!

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FYI I'm an OAP. I'd like to WFH, but WTF is UBI??

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Universal Basic Income

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