A brilliant article which goes to the heart of the matter and shows why injections are so dangerous. I cannot recall where I have recently heard that certain vaxes have a gelatin additive that may lead to an aversion to meat! I am researching what additive has led me and many hundreds of others to be allegic to shellfish. One mouthful and the reaction is extreme. I have been offered four different vaxes by the local surgery in the last two weeks

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Thanks Jas, and very interesting. Yes, there is pork gelatin in some vaccines (Muslims typically refuse these ones for religious reasons) which could absolutely lead to a meat allergy as you suggest. Sorry to hear about your allergy - and insane "invitations" from the surgery!

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Four? Very, very scary.

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Oct 11Liked by Miri AF

Great article thanks Miri.

It’s so disappointing that RFK Jr is now deflecting the spotlight away from vaccines in favour of the evils of the food industry. Sadly it’s now almost impossible to envisage a time when there will be a change to the childhood vaccine schedule. Hopefully more parents are realising the risks, I personally know of two couples that are not vaccinating their recent new borns, despite the relentless bullying tactics from the NHS.

Regarding the obesity issue, I do think that people are consuming more calories today than in the 1960’s, maybe not in the home but definitely outside of the home. The proliferation of cafes/coffee shops and fast food outlets in the last few decades has caused a rise in additional calories consumed during the day (every day), such as caramel lattes, bubble teas, pastries and now god forbid the new Subway foot long cookie at 1440 calories!

During my time as a Personal Trainer the aim for many clients was to lose weight. Initially I would always ask them to keep a food diary for a week so that I could get an idea of their average calorie intake. In the majority of cases there were thousands of ‘incidental’ calories being consumed each week outside of their home e.g. croissant on way to work, numerous biscuits in the office throughout the day, bar of chocolate after lunch etc.

Those habits are very difficult to change, as we all know! 😄

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Thank you, Mick, and that's great news about the couples you know! There's no doubt that one silver lining of the "Covid" fiasco is that more people than ever are vaccine-sceptic. And yes, sadly it's very disappointing about RFK. We can only hope he surprises us once in office and at the moment he's just being "tactical", but...

Regarding your experiences of being a personal trainer... I feel a bit bad now for appearing to besmirch the profession, so please be assured that no offence to personal trainers or other athletic professionals was implied in the creation of this article! There's absolutely no doubt some people (probably especially those who seek out the services of personal trainers) have terrible eating habits and consume more than they need... but then there are many people who also do this and are not fat. As Anon says in the comments below, he has an overweight family member who eats no more than (and possibly less than) Anon himself, and Anon - who does no exercise - has no weight issues.

So really the issue is not caloric but metabolic, because people whose metabolisms are functioning well simply burn off any surplus calories as heat, whereas people with suboptimal metabolisms (most people these days) lay them down as fat. So in understanding why so many people struggle with their weight now, we have to look at the minority who don't and ask why they don't, including and especially those who don't calorie count or exercise (as a lot of naturally slim people don't). We all know of those slim young men who eat like horses, play video games all day, and never gain an ounce, whereas we have that overweight friend always strictly controlling their diet yet cannot get slim (they lose a few pounds then put it all back on and more, which is the pattern for 95% of people who lose weight on a traditional calorie-controlled diet).

So yes, many people would benefit from changing the way they eat.... but in my view, and this would appear to be backed up by the evidence, an overconsumption of calories is not the explanation for the sudden obesity epidemic.... but rather, it is a dramatic decline in human BMR metabolic rate... and this decline correlates precisely with the sudden explosion in the vaccine schedule...

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Oct 12Liked by Miri AF

Thanks Miri. I completely agree that there are some people with faster metabolisms and vaccines could well be contributing to a decrease in the average metabolic rate.

However, my main reason for thinking that people are now generally taking in more calories is due to their perception of portion size. For example, many people will say they eat a home cooked meal of meat, potatoes and veg but in reality that meal is often twice the amount of calories of that in a so called ‘unhealthy’ processed frozen ready meal, which are generally of a modest portion size.

People are generally not honest with themselves when describing the volume of food they consume.

The rise in ‘all you can eat’ buffets and takeaways that offer super sizing have changed the perception of a reasonable portion of food, particularly in the younger generations.

Also, when I was growing up in the 70’s we were only allowed sweets once a week (probably due to the limited family budget). This was common amongst all of my friends. Many children are now eating sweets & chocolate every day, as well as calorie laden drinks, even on the way to school. Supermarkets have whole aisles devoted to sweets, biscuits, crisps, fizzy drinks and desserts, so people must be regularly buying them. These are all providing additional unnecessary calories that were not being consumed 20-30 years ago.

It can’t be a coincidence that childhood obesity levels have increased during this period, along with the fact children are generally far more sedentary than previous generations due to electronic devices and gaming.

Additionally, TV, with its numerous cooking and dining shows, has programmed people into treating food as a hobby.

Regarding personal training, no offence was taken from your article. My career in it was finished by the Plandemic. It’s a very overrated profession 😄.

Thanks again for another great article 👍🏻

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Some very interesting connections. On visiting a medical therapist yesterday the receptionist asked me if I had received a 'flu jab. No I replied, I have no intention of having any vaccines from now on. (Last one a 'flu jab some years ago). Don't have one she said emphatically! I know quite a few people and they have all had terrible reactions. I expect others could replicate this?

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So the receptionist would have been happy for you to have one if you agreed but because you indicated you were against it she supported you emphatically in that decision. Huh? It's just amazing how harmful nonsense is accepted as normal.

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On the contrary Petra! She was against from the start. She had refused to have one and I think was not having any more jabs.

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Glad to hear it.

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Interesting. Was receptionist's question relevant to the visit? Such information is a private. But we tend to disclose private information to anyone slightly resembling an aura of authority without a lot of thinking. I know we have been all programmed in this way: trust the authority. I see this is one of the problem of modern society too: we have allowed public into our private life. It has gone too far: public interest "to protect granny" was used universally to break our private minds and bodies. I believe the exit is were the entry is. We must start to protect our private life more and simply do not let public interests to get into our private matters. The legislation is on our side too: protection of private life is universal. We do not need to provide any explanation for anything relevant to private life. The scope of the private life is up to us to determine too.

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The receptionist was wanting to stop me having a jab! This is a friendly atmosphere and not one of intrigue. It was not a NHS environment. I understand your point but there was nothing intrusive about this.

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Also, if they didn't nobble us with so-called vaccines then they were sure to get many of us with dental visits whereby they would inject an 'unsuspecting' anaesthetic into the gums and then drill an even bigger hole around any alleged tooth cavity and fill it with mercury amalgams. Lovely-jubbly! Decades of slow-release mercury poisoning. Nowadays there's the new risk from undeclared self-assembling nanoparticles swishing around within the anaesthetic jabs. A win-win for stealth injecting of unknown toxins with long-term chronic health implications.

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Thanks Nigel, and very good point - dental poisoning is another massive one. I feel very fortunate that for some reason (awake?!), my childhood dentist was anti-fillings and so I don't have any. I have had a few anaesthetics though, and as you say, God knows what's floating around in them....

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I'm really into health food research and I believe food was a lot more natural and less processed in the past when women were working less and cooking more, but I have a personal experience with what you're writing about.

I have a family member who is obese and has struggled with weight for many years, but they really are not eating huge amounts or very bad foods or a ton of sugar. I eat just as much if not more, eat out, never exercise and am half their weight. But they have been getting vaccinated quite a bit and got 3 COVID shots and did gain more weight during the pandemic, but also stopped what little walking they were doing. In spite of trying to do more (but not a lot of) walking still struggling with weight gain. There's a theory that extra weight is protecting the organs from toxins and heavy metals and I think there's something to that.

I was recently researching if there were people who gained weight after COVID vaccines and there were some who said yes, they did and had a hard time losing it in spite of exercising and eating the same diet as before. How do you lose this weight because diet changes and exercise don't help that much? Because my family member was considering weight loss surgery and doing other risky things to try to lose weight.

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Thanks Anon, excellent points. Yes, toxic bodies retain more fat (and more water) to try and dilute the toxins and in that sense a bigger body is a safer body, so there absolutely is substance to what you say.

I too have noticed people suddenly gain (a lot of) weight after the Covid vaccines. A girl who works in my local shop who was rail thin has put on about four stone (and she has been working throughout in a job which requires her to be on her feet all day), and another woman I know who was always naturally slim has suddenly ballooned, all directly following Covid injections.

I think the only way to tackle this is to look at vaccine detox protocols, some of which I will link below, since as you say, traditional diet and exercise is not working...


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Thanks for the reply Miri! We are doing some detox, but maybe need to step it up. Also I’m trying to cook as much as I can and I cook healthy whole foods, clean and dust etc.

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Oct 11Liked by Miri AF

Miri, I think you are razor sharp. You make it make sense. This is another (to my acute embarrassment!) of-course-Russel-Brand-is-fake type of article. Merci.

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Thank you, Johan, much obliged!

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12Liked by Miri AF

I absolutely agree, Miri. Our two children haven’t vaccinated any of our six grandchildren. But there’s one vaccination they did have that’s slipped through so slyly and quickly and at a time when the parents have least resistance and awareness: the K2 (I think it is) one given to newborn babies literally just after they pop out!

Re RFK Jr, I think you are right about him, but it is desperately sad (since he led the way in highlighting the dangers of childhood vaccines in particular).

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Thanks Priscilla, very glad to hear about your grandchildren's vax-free status, but sorry to hear about the vitamin K. As you say, the "experts" are especially devious with how they administer that one.

On another note, it was a lovely surprise to meet you and your family on Saturday!

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It was very special meeting you, Miri.

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11Liked by Miri AF

Excellent Miri, you really touched on an important topic: pediatric vaccinations, anaphylaxis and allergies in recent decades, from 1991 onwards, i.e. from the beginning of the turbo pediatric vaccination campaigns.

I was born in 1965, I don't remember a single case of allergies among my peers.

At the time, measles, chickenpox, etc. we naturally all had them in kindergarten or during primary school.

Good things to you and Sasha who I always follow with great attention and spread everywhere in our little Italy.

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Thank you, Carlo, and you are absolutely right and this is what I hear again and again from everyone born prior to the 1980s. No allergies, no serious chronic illnesses, and everyone had measles, mumps, and so on and was fine.

And grazie for spreading the word amongst our Italian friends!

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Oct 11Liked by Miri AF

Interesting. I have exactly one allergy…to penicillin. My Mom told me I broke out in “hives” when I was 5, but I don’t remember it. I “can’t imagine” how I might have become allergic to it.

BTW…congrats on getting onto Bobby’s radar screen.

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Hmm, yes, quite the mystery... And thanks!

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Oct 11Liked by Miri AF

According to Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi who, at great personal cost, led the fight against the C-19 vaccines; a tetanus jab is fine if you have been bitten and presented blood. The blood vessels are protected by the endothelium layer and a penetration of this can lead to infection. So, we treat the blood where the infection will be.

However, vaccines are inappropriate for respiratory diseases, from which we are protected by the epithelium barrier which is on the other side of the blood vessel wall.

Maybe when RFK entered politics he had to tone down his rhetoric to attract mainstream votes as many politicians do. I don't think he has abandoned his principles.

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Thanks Kevin, and that's what I'm hoping too, that he's just being tactical for the reasons you say. At the moment I'm not convinced but very happy to be proven wrong!

As for tetanus, as I understand it, if you've been exposed to tetanus, what you need is the tetanus immunoglobin, which is an anti-toxin, and not a vaccine. To have the vaccine after contracting tetanus would not be helpful because seroconversion would kick in about two weeks after the person had already died!

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Oct 12Liked by Miri AF

I am horrified about the dental jabs. Just going to refuse them from now on.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12Liked by Miri AF

Hello Miri, thankyou for another very interesting read. I have been trying to explain the metabolism/weight gain/loss to one of the family who struggles with weight problems but doesnt eat loads. I also wonder about the benefits of 'fasting'? This gluten allergy thing is emerging as really an allergy to the glycophosphates that is sprayed on the wheat but try getting an NHS dietician to pile into that one!

On the subject of Robert Kennedy Jr, I am keeping an open mind but Dr Jack Kruse and him did a podcast together November 2023 which throws light on many,many areas. Worth a listen.

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Thanks Judgement Day, in regards to improving a sluggish metabolism, the best thing to do is to take a "pro-metabolic" approach and consume foods which actively stimulate the metabolism (such as coconut oil) whilst striving to fix any insulin resistance and thyroid issues which often underpin a slow metabolism (telltale sign is always being cold, or having a lower body temperature than the average). There's a really good account on Twitter for this and I will link it below. I think fasting can be beneficial in some circumstances, but if it becomes a long-term daily thing, it's very likely to contribute to a slow metabolism because it becomes harder to get enough calories in and the body will respond to this by reducing metabolic rate (the account I am going to link is very anti-fasting!). https://x.com/celestialbe1ng

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From this annoyingly chipper Florida lawyer who provides my new-mainstream-right daily newsblip roundup:

"Some political genius obviously devised a plan for Kennedy to pivot from vaccines to food integrity. It’s working astonishingly well. It’s given Kennedy a kind of instant credibility. Nobody’s calling him a kook now. The best they can do is desperately try to ignore the former independent candidate."


Crazy like a fox, they spin it. And they're not entirely wrong, either: a sheepdog clad in a fox-pelt.

There are so many levels to this game, all playing out simultaneously; but let's not entirely neglect the need for discourse diversion tactics in a world where Big Pharma owns the TV. They don't need to pander to us anti-vaxxers, we're already captured by the pseudo-duopoly Hobson's Choice machine popularly glossed as "American democracy". No, they're going after the normies.

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