Splendid, Miri. I'm probably much older than you, and there are so many examples past and present of the "CO phenomenon," but for some reason after finishing your piece, my mind focused on the My Lai expose by Seymour Hersh in 1969. Not the time to get into the big Vietnam War context here, but I recall even at the time, as a teenager, being struck by the almost exclusive focus on one individual, William Calley, and this one "incident." Subsequently, Hersh became an "anti-establishment" rock star in the mainstream. Which commissioned him to write a "credible" JFK hit piece in the mid '90s as renewed calls for investigations became prevalent. Later, I read the well documented "Kill Anything That Moves" and learned My Lai was anything but "atypical," the same with Calley. Somehow, despite a truly growing anti-war movement, the war went on another 5 years but everyone still "condemned" Calley. (along with other 1969 events like Manson, Altamont, etc.). Flash forward many years and I first heard many I respect calling Hersh "controlled opposition." I went from, "Say, what?" to "I can understand why."

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Thank you, Howard, very interesting - as they say, there's nothing new under the sun!

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I really enjoyed reading this, really excellent. I think you are right to point to the worst offenders, who incite people to break the law. I do though think there are different other types of CO. RB for instance, doesn't incite, but he does lead people towards Tucker and all his mates, so that people are distracted by the panto.

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Thank you, Kevin :). And I agree - another function of controlled opposition is to generally keep people neutralised and ineffective, by keeping their focus on screen-based actors, and thereby preventing them from getting out into the real world and getting active themselves.

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Yes, Miri, there are a number of functions of CO and I don't think you can minimise "discrediting the movement" simply because people already think disbelievers are loons. Even if that is the case, we can see loads of effort is put into discrediting disbelievers and, very importantly, loads of effort is put into making disbelievers get it wrong ... because half-truths make great lies so if disbelievers don't properly understand something how are they able to communicate the truth?

My two obsessions are 9/11 and the moon landings.

In the case of 9/11 the big fat half-truth is that it was an inside job ... however, just like Manchester the death and injury were staged. 9/11 was essentially a controlled demolition and what happens before the demolition occurs? - a FULL (not part) evacuation of the buildings and surrounding area - all the images of injured people perfectly fit "drill" injured while none exhibit the signs of the serious injury and maiming inevitable in the 12-second destruction of 110-storey steel-frame buildings.


The notion that it was a hoax while at the same time real death and injury occurred somehow or other for Manchester is very novel (no analysts were suggesting that back in 2017) and I see now over on Aisling's chat with Iain Davis that there's a suggestion that Martin Hibbert really was injured ... but it cannot be explained how. All Richard, Iain and Aisling have to do is watch UK Critical Thinker's video on Martin Hibbert - he "miraculously" gained the use of his legs again. https://www.richplanet.net/richp_guest.php?ref=821&part=1&person=18

In the case of the moon landings the evidence overwhelmingly supports their reality and what we find is that one year even BEFORE the first landing, the BBC aired the 30m drama, The News-Benders, which puts forward - shock horror - the idea that news events are fabricated including the yet-to-happen moon landings. But if the BBC is putting forward such a taboo truth as fabricated news events we can be sure that intelligence agents are behind it and they will be mixing truth and lies big time.


Since the moon landings what we see is that all those prominent in pushing that the moon landings didn't happen are clearly agents.

This shows us that those in power want disbelievers to get it wrong and discredit them. We cannot underestimate this purpose.

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“ In the case of the moon landings the evidence overwhelmingly supports their reality”

I had to re-read this statement a few times. It’s hard to know what to make of a supposed truth seeker who made it. For me the Apollo mission hoaxes are step 1 on the staircase of disbelief, a ten second look at the pathetic foil wrapped LIM is all that is required for a non mind controlled person to discern this. For anybody that wants to go beyond that ten seconds of research, the documentary American Moon will leave you with no doubts. That’s if you are a genuine truth seeker

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Just to add: I first looked at the moon landings when I'd started to wake up to psyops so I was all prepared to disbelieve them and my first point of research was reading Wagging the Moondoggie which seemed quite compelling. However, when I started to look directly at the evidence myself I was stopped in my tracks by the communications between the astronauts and mission control, they sounded so utterly authentic. I didn't know that there were 1,000 hours of recordings for the Apollo missions alone but just a couple of minutes was very compelling. My further research convinced me.

When I tell disbelievers about the communications audio their reaction is always a dismissive, "They could be faked," but what they really mean is "They could be faked without detection," however this is not a factual claim. We are constantly subjected to fakery BUT the fakery is always detectable partly at least because they deliberately do a sloppy job as per their Revelation of the Method (RoM) rule but it would be interesting to know if they went all out how undetectable their fakery would be. We don't know because they always use their RoM.

But one thing I know for absolute sure - you cannot fake 1,000 hours of audio communications between astronauts and mission control without detection. Disbelievers don't even bother to listen to it.


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I know all about American Moon, Deenzy, and it has been thoroughly critiqued. If you are a genuine truth seeker then you will read the critique and get back to me. Let's see. https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/american-moon-2017-superficially

Critique of Wagging the Moondoggie - https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/wagging-the-moondoggie-a-masterwork

Critique of Bart Sibrel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03x2MC3wv5Q

The first prominent moon hoaxer, Bill Kaysing, made the hilariously nonsensical claim that captain of the Apollo 15 mission, James Irwin, called him to confess to the fakery of the moon landings but - concerned about phone tapping - arranged a call for another day. Billy tells us that the day before the call was to take place James Irwin died of a heart attack. If you think that's credible, let me know. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvWcKrlZsk4&t=1626s

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If you're a genuine truth seeker you always respond to challenges to your beliefs right, Deenzy? So, genuine truth seeker, where's your response to the critique of American Moon? https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/american-moon-2017-superficially

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Regarding Richard D Hall, I had read and watched quite a bit of his work on the McCann’s and Manchester before I saw him on The Delingpod.

When James mentioned something about ‘flat earth’ Hall was very dismissive, saying something along the lines of ‘I can’t believe we’re even talking about it’.

I thought it was strange that someone like Hall, who had invested years researching false flags would be so disparaging to people that have invested the same amount of time in researching another subject, regardless of whether he personally believed their conclusions. I was suspicious of him after that as it’s the same as ‘truthers’ that refuse to even discuss the possibility of ‘no virus’ theory (or any other theory). They don’t have to agree with it but shouldn’t discount it. The time has long past when anything can be accepted as definitively true.

Thanks for a very entertaining article.

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I recall that part of the Delingpod very well. There are many questions posed by FE researchers that should in my opinion cause a genuine sceptical mind to think 🤔 hang on a minute that doesn’t make sense so I am suspicious when I come across prominent truth researchers like RDH & Mark Passio (among others) who get so angry when it is bought up.

I have never heard a satisfactory answer from an anti FE truther to any of the questions posed. The first question I want an answer to is why can we see so far? This one fact (and it is a fact) alone should cause a recognisable cognitive dissonance in

any genuine truth seeker

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Totally agree with you both. Any "here and no further" researcher, especially the higher profile ones, are highly suspect. NOTHING should be off the table, or dismissed as "making us look crazy", because if something is in fact false, then that is what will come to light when it is explored. The only reason therefore to get angry about something even being discussed and ferociously trying to gatekeep..... is because one worries it may be true.

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Yes that jarred with me too, regardless of your conclusion no one worth listening to can take a look at the various "Where and what are we?" questions and dismiss those not conforming to MS canon as topics of zero relevance.

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Pied Pipers have to play appealling tunes, woo their target audience with their 'bait', then 'switch' at a strategically timed moment. It's an age old strategy, and it's unbelievable that so many people still don't understand it.

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The mere mention of CO makes me think of Russell Brand and I saw a picture of him kneeling in “prayer” at a Tucker Carlson US tour recently. Russell is apparently an ardent Trump supporter (the relevance of this is uncertain since he is British, not American) and he is also apparently newly baptised (in the River Thames, mind you). It is high octane speculation but I imagine in this way he conflates Trump and Jesus and they can lure and bait the Right and Christians in the event of a(-nother?!) stolen election (see https://francisoneill.substack.com/p/trusting-trump to understand Trump appears to be on a $450k/pm leash and not calling the shots). It will be the perfect chaos.

But I really appreciate your excellent explanation that entertaining a flat earth scenario (geocentric, anyone?) doesn’t make one more crazy than being highly sceptical about experimental gene therapy.

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I think the UK "dissident right" (Brand, Fox, Robinson, Farage) is set to merge in some way with the US faction (Trump, Vance, RFK, Carlson, Rogan) - Peter Thiel seems to be the common (financial) factor, but I'm sure there are other bankrollers too. Where exactly they're going with this remains to be seen but you (and Francis) are definitely onto something.

Thanks re: FE!

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“Of all the Gin joints, in all the towns, in all the World.. she walks into mine” oooh, that’ll be: The Nuns on the Run Nightclub, in Casablanca. Isn’t it.?? Oh maybe not. Seriously, mate, out of all the movies, in all the world. That’s your fave. Whatevs. The Shining.?Pulp Fiction. Reservoir Dogs. Cat on a hot Tin Roof.? Pepe le Moko. Les Enfant Du Paradis. The Talented Mr. Ripley ? … and on and on, etc, etc.. each to their own, I guess.

I met Idle a couple of times, in his gaff up in Highgate, a good few years ago. Me and my then boss got involved in a landscaping project for him. He was a funny guy. And extremely modest.

And of course him and his Python colleagues were the ultimate in absurdist, sardonic and post/post modernist humour..

And that style of comedy has everyone instinctively looking sceptically and super suspiciously at the establishment and their machinations. Although there may have been an element of MK

Ultra-ism, Colour revolutionary Statism, about the whole shebang.

And if the ‘State’ wants heroes, then they shall supply them. Controlled opposition as well. Absolutely. How many ‘French

Resistance, during the war, were actually working for the Germans.!

But the State, and all its various operatives: The Stasis, the fifth

Columnists. The double agents, provocateurs, the bought and sold; are all very much aware, intel especially, that people like us: are not conspiracy theorists… that we’re reacting to; being lied to.

And in fact it is them: the Statist manipulators who are doing the conspiring. Remember the term comes from the Kennedy assassination/killing, in the Sixties: too many people suspicious of the motives, Lee Harvey Oswald’s involvement(??), the secret services etc. The CIA had to put a dampener on the civil unrest and suspicion that was rampant, at the time; and therefore ‘implied’ that anyone discussing anything other than the official narrative, was a lousy ‘conspiracy theorist’.

So I, myself, have never felt conspiratorial; just thoroughly pissed off by establishment lies, doublethink, propaganda and the fact that most people will comply, and go along with the Lamestream

narrative, virtually everyday of the week. No question. Simply not realising it’s a ‘them and us’ scenario. It’s always been that way. Just takes time for some of us to get it sussed out.

Once we realise that these Death-riders, wring wraiths and torturers ( and that’s just the admin team of your local council) are quite happy to kill you, or your relatives, pretend to blow things up, promote pharmaceutical interventions, and of course, import Lamb from New Zealand; it then becomes easy to smell their contempt and hatred for us, ( if only we’d just go along with the plan, and stop making a fuss?).

The mafia of Banking cartels, and corporations, NGO’s, Billionaire media owners, and puppet politicians, know exactly what they’re doing: it seriously helps to use the fake political paradigm of ‘socialism’ to get us all ‘in this together’ bollocks. Pots and pans, work well.

‘No one’s safe, till most of us are dead’ - kinda deal. And they also know that we (people who can string a few thoughts together and do grammar) must be alienated and humiliated even more.

The problem really is; moving the minds of the masses, who’re just not having any of this. They won’t believe that people with a bit of clout, can be bribed, corrupted, compromised and made to buy the drinks on their own birthday. The underhandedness and complex layers of cunning, deceit, murder and manipulation, are just so damn hard for most people; our friends; colleagues, family, neighbours - to actually comprehend. ‘They’d never do that to us’. Well quite.

Jeez, it’s hot in here now, suppose I’d better get this Nuns outfit off… Nice one Finchy. Keep up the good work.!!

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Well Dean, you will be pleased to hear I am also a fan of the widely panned Idle film 'Splitting Heirs' ! (It may simply be that I have a Pavlovian-type response to any film with Idle or Cleese in it, as I also didn't think 'Wanda' sequel Fierce Creatures was that bad...).

Interesting about your acquaintance with Idle, he does seem a genuinely nice bloke.

And agreed on all other counts.

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Excellent article as usual Miri. I'd be interested in your take on the difference (such as there is) between Controlled Opposition and Limited Hangout. For what it's worth, my understanding is that CO attempts to lead (or "guide") the opposition in a certain direction leading to disaster, while LH is more about telling people about stuff that can no longer be covered up in a way that diverts attention from more important revelations. Another commenter mentioned Seymour Hersch, who seems to fit more into the LH category - I can't see him leading anyone anywhere - although once people trust them on one subject, it's quite possible for them to be used to confuse and mislead people on another.

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Thanks Mike, and that's an interesting question. I think what you've said is absolutely right, but I'll give it some more thought too.

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I call them containment pens. I have been an inhabitant of many during my journey. Sadly most people never get beyond a certain level of pen. The ones I find amazing are the circa 2015 culture war pens like Sargon & PJW. They haven’t evolved at all

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Loved Nuns on the Run! Also Clockwise and A Fish Called Wanda. And point taken, re CO. 👍🏻

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Speaking from personal experience, some people think that flat earth is a CIA psyop to discredit the truther movement because that’s a comforting and reasonable-sounding explanation that comes up when you frantically web search “flat earth debunked” after viewing some flat earth proofs that take your ball away.

I allowed myself to believe the CIA psyop explanation for a few months while in the denial phase before moving into the acceptance phase (and coming to the same conclusions as you about CO). At the bottom of the flat earth rabbit hole is Genesis 1:1 - chapter 1 of the Bible. It surely makes sense that They would want to put us off of reading the Bible by “discrediting” the very first chapter.

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And then there's (founder of NASA) Wernher von Braun's grave...

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Brilliant Miri!

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Thanking you :)

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