Hmmmm… like virus / vaccine official narrative versus virus / Ivermectin conspiracy theory where Ivermectin turns out to be maybe somewhat helping the respiratory illnesses but definitely affecting fertility…

Fuck I hate Them.

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Exactly, Johan. Perfect example of how this works. And me too.

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Believe MM is alive & well, working in Washington DC. If correct, then joining the dots -> her 'abduction' might even be an early element of the Great Awakening op, who knows. Not sure if these comments allow links, but worth a try for this slightly crazy lady: https://x.com/MemementoGuy/status/1771264634068124138

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Wow, Loafalot, great find! Even if that isn't her, they are definitely increasingly seeding the idea that she's still alive...

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Hello Mirri,

I am Italian and old enough to remember the strategy of tension at the time the state was killing it’s citizens, as you said the family where never in the media Tv was something people watched sparingly.

Since the coup d’età (mani pulite)of the early nineties and the rise of the actor Berlusconi as a political figure, but first and foremost owner of the MEDIASET empire

it all changed.

It started in 2002 with the murder case of a 3 years old by his mother, “delitto di Cogne” one of the strangest event you could imagine. Since every murder case with tv traction has a law and behavioural change as leitmotif.

And all of this outlandish murder cases bring us to the plandemic which has changed the Italians forever.

By the way a new legislation has been introduced by the Italian? “government”few days ago, secret services can infiltrates criminal or terrorist organisation and run it from within, its been done all along now it has been legalised!

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Thank you, Tanja, that's very interesting indeed.

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Just to say, Tanja, that at least some of the events - if not all - occurring during the period of the strategy of tension were completely staged. I no longer believe in "false flags", that is, events where Group A accuses Group/Individual B of a crime that Group A is really responsible for. From my analysis this has simply never happened. A "false flag" is really just the narrative to the disbelievers. What is presented are two choices:

1. For the believers - Group/Individual B has committed a crime that Group A accuses them of

2. For the disbelievers - Group A is really responsible for the crime ( false flag)

However, Reality is 3. The two entities conspire in staging the crime, no crime is committed - or at least the part of the crime involving death and injury is not committed. These events are all about MIND CONTROL not doing things for real ... unless they're wanted for real. They don't generally want to kill and injure people in bombings, they only want us to believe in them. Wherever they only want our BELIEF they don't do it for real.

The 1980 Bologna Station bombing was an evacuated bombing and I believe the other bombings were too. I know someone looked at the Piazza della Fontana bombing and said it was evacuated. People get upset when I say Bologna was evacuated and one guy actually challenged me to contact the Association for the Families of the Victims of the Bombing and tell them I thought it was staged ... so I did. Guess who the president of the Association is? Paolo Bolognesi, MP and author of Order from Chaos (the motto of 33rd degree Freemasons). I suggested to Sig. Bolognesi that the event was really a drill and very unsurprisingly, I got no reply.


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I rest my case, in a way I thought that whoever did the bombing in the 70’ would not care so much about the dead as Tv was not so central in people life, Bologna I do not know why but it never felt real maybe because it was televised, thank you for the good work.

I have been thinking lately that I can go only by my own experience and to a certain extent believe in my recent family history as people see events from their own prospective and states of mind and emotions at the time of any major event.

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Another fish is the red herring and plenty of those are thrown into the pot too, with media poised to pounce on and discredit those who investigate the new info.

Yet there's an awful lot of conspiracies that aren't mentioned by mainstream media because they'd become too transparent, we're in a time when they're all merging into one big one.

I note that conspiracy theorists are ahead 37 to nil.

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I hope you have these articles backed up in several different locations Miri, as if they ever want to push a button on these ops to bring them to fruition, your predictions would be something they would like to disappear. I do wonder just how long we will be allowed telegram and substack.

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Great post, Miri, and it has really got me thinking. Something that keeps nagging at me is this, though: I’m a schoolteacher and if over a dozen kids were shot up in another classroom, I, and my colleagues, would most certainly know about it. We all know children from other classes, if not by name, then usually by face. So if on one day there are 25 children in a class and the next day there are only five or ten children, I cannot fathom how this could be faked. Unless, of course, these children are not actually dead and have simply been enrolled at the school as cover for the operation. If so, the level of deception runs deeper than I could ever imagine.

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As far as I understand it with Sandy Hook, that school had been closed as a health hazard for some time. It had no students or teachers. But a drill was staged there where some local children were brought in to perform. We are told they are dead, but this is media propagandist street theatre (which is a legal thing for the US media to engage in, due to an amendment in the NDAA). They are not dead, but are alive and well under different names, and some say they performed in a high-profile concert a few years later.

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Holy cow, I had no idea Sandy Hook was closed as a health hazard and had no students or teachers. This completely changes my view on the entire affair. Mind blowing!

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Thanks Sun in Capricorn, I just double-checked to see that I had recalled those details correctly, and it seems I have. Much more info here: https://www.henrymakow.com/2018/02/nobody-died-at-sandy-hook.html

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Thanks for the link, Miri. This is absolutely shocking and Sandy Hook looks deeply, deeply suspicious to me now.

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I tried to post a response similar to Miri's yesterday but yesterday I started having trouble posting comments for the first time and I'm still having trouble. I've figured that I can post using the app so I'm writing them on my computer and then sending them from my phone which is a pain but reasonably do-able. I see on Henry Makow's site he has a photo but I thought you might be interested in the individual comparisons I did of the children at the time of Sandy Hook and at the Superbowl the following year when they're about 5 years older than their SH photos.


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Funnily enough, Petra, I was also having trouble posting that comment! The 'reply' button became non-functional. I had to reload the page several times to get it to work. Interesting / suspicious....

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The deception is beyond the beyond.

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Thanks for the education about 'catfish' I am too old to be aware of such things, but it helps to know!

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Great article as always, Miri.

Dunblane, the ludicrous number of staged mass shootings in the US ... and little old Australia too. Don't forget the staged Port Arthur shootings which did have the desired effect of gun reforms. Like the UK we only needed the one mass shooting to implement massive changes (not that they the made the slightest difference to most people I think) whereas in the US it doesn't matter how many shootings they stage it ain't gonna work. They love their guns too much.

What happened in Australia after the Port Arthur staging - https://chatgpt.com/c/674967bf-93a4-800a-ba7c-fe6821f36940

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Agreed, aliens are fake. But there are evil entities in another dimension that can appear/disappear here as they choose. That is the UFO/UAP reality. But don't believe Steven Greer despite his intelligence and sincerity in attempting to talk to them. Read Derek Gilbert's book, 'The Day The Earth stands Still' for details.

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Yes, I agree, they're demonic entities.

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You tease us with the aliens comment at the end - I'd love to read your thoughts on this!

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Well worth a watch. And some insightful comments. But you will have to Trawl.

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Good stuff, Miri, though I hadn’t heard of either of the two ‘new’ cases you mention.

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Thank you for explaining about catfish. I didn't know that. A very interesting read.

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Oh wow! I just heard Alex Kriel on the Delingpod repeating Miri's insinuation that Richard D Hall was hiding in the bushes filming a young girl. This is getting ridiculous. When will Miri admit that facts are important?

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