Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by Miri AF

For all freedom lovers interested in how these collectivist authoritarian regimes try to weasel their way into the everyday, micro elements of people lives in order to control them, I highly recommend reading Anna Funder's 'Stasiland' and watch the movie 'The Lives of Others'.

After taking in Stasiland and The Lives of Others, and how people who lived under the East German Soviet Regime resisted them, the fact that people now allow military-grade digital spy technologies into their homes so easily (alexa's, mobile Phones, Laptops, cameras) would have been anathema to those people. The East German Soviet regime would have had a wet dream in this current digital environment. Back then they had to break into your home in order to install devices to spy on you, whereas in this current era, people just let the regime walk into their homes...

The smoking outside of bars is just a small part of the acid eating away at our social order. And when compared to the digital intrusion which many have just given in to allowing [in our 'modern' world] it is simply a minuscule side issue. It's the same as how all of the truthers who love to pronounce how they 'no longer have a TV or BBC licence', yet are happily sat in front of the internet all day watching their 'truther' poison which takes them nowhere and they just click slavishly on those Likes whilst caught in the net which has now been thoroughly infected by the diseased regime.

Always remember - as soon as you hit the internet - you are in a military space. You pay for the computer, you pay for the broadband line and therefore you are helping them to build the digital cage around you - none of it belongs to you.

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Decent enough movie. deffo recommend. You're right about all the surveillance. But alas

what are we to do.?!! Unplug from the internet. And throw our phones in the river....

Sometimes it's good to talk; even if we are being heavily penalised for the privilege.

Besides, Hearty, if we were to chuck the whole shebang in the bucket: we'd never have the benefit of your sage advice. Hmm.!!!

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I've heard the 'If I don't have an Alexa, then what will my children dance to?' line many times...

I'm just surprised at how many people still think this intrusion is OK and acceptable. Then they wonder about all confused when the regime turns on the mesmer and mind-control attacks through their devices a-la 2020. "What's happening?! How could this happen? How could they do this to us?! It's a complete mystery!". Suddenly, they begin wearing surgical masks in WH Smith, and Tesco begin installing traffic lights for their consumers with no analysis as to how they got there.

So you watched the movie, but will you ever read the recommended Stasiland book?

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Sep 6Liked by Miri AF


New Statesman, inadvertently hit on a few home truths here. but only because it's an anti-

American, leftist rag; with a penchant for more state interference, in our already bureaucraticallly

bloated lives. Worth a quick scan though.


from 2016: basic psychology really.. You can see early pieces of the puzzle coming together.

Give it a swift squint.!!?


Delingpole: [rather read him than watch him].. doing Iain Davis, here. Always good value for

money. Mostly about, Richard D Hall; who's being persecuted, and pissed on from a great height

by the 'establishment', here in old Blighty -- Another Day... Another Psy-op.!!

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