Jul 18Liked by Miri AF

Miri, I have also suspected the regime's use of actors may go even a little deeper than big celebrities…

During March and April 2020 (during the early days of the first lock-up) I experienced three incidents which caused this suspicion. Firstly, at a local Post Office. I was standing in the (socially-distanced) queue when the two ladies in front of me began arguing. The masked lady in front began accusing the lady behind of getting 'too close'. They then began heightened arguing. I eventually spoke out that neither of them have anything to worry about, that it was all bollocks and that I won't tolerate people abusing others in public over this nonsense. Suddenly, from behind a man began rebuking me, shouting very loudly that his 'sister was a NHS nurse', and that 'she had recently died of c19 from working with c19 patients'. I noted at the time that his behaviour seemed a little odd... almost exaggerated. However, how could I possibly argue with someone whose sister had recently died?

A few days later, in Tesco’s - exactly the same thing happened whilst I was in the queue. Two people began scrapping, and this time a woman began shouting EXACTLY the same thing, that 'her sister worked in the NHS' and has 'just died from c19 working in the wards'. OK, I thought. Odd… I’ve heard that one before…

No joke, a few days later, whilst in Sainsbury's EXACTLY the same script came out of another woman's mouth who was in the queue. Exactly the same!

Now, we could write all of this off as just NPCs/normies reciting what the media had been plugging into their minds via the TV to gain some virtue-signalling social credit, but another part of me did wonder whether or not actors were actually being sent out into society to amplify ‘the message’? The SAME script being used three times within the space of a week seemed a little odd to me. It appeared that lots of people seemed to have sisters in the NHS who were dying from working in c19 wards. However, after the third time I never heard the same ‘NHS sister’ script again.

Can we put it beyond the possibility of the regime to go to the level of planting actors directly among us in society?

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Very interesting, and I think it's entirely plausible that "crisis actors" are sent out to infiltrate real-world environments as you suggest.

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Sunlight is the best disinfectant so great job on illuminating these plot twists Miri. Donald John Trump and James David Vance or DJ and JD forming the perfect Christian name double act and surname TV.

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Jul 18Liked by Miri AF

Completely agree with you, Miri. Just been watching a James Delingpole podcast with Guido Preparata and, as he says, everything is (and always has been) pure Hollywood. It's a very bleak/dark outlook though, especially if you don't believe in God. Thankfully we do as otherwise I think I would despair.

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I cannot find this podcast anywhere. Is it recent?

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

It’s on Locals. I subscribe to James D there. In due course (in a few days) I think it should make it onto the Delingpod.

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Thanks for the details. I want to read again the biographical article written by Vance to get an understanding of his raison d'etre. DJT is an enigma for me and time will tell where his loyalties lie, and whether he cares for the people. It would appear that JDV is not so caring. The Hollywood connection is disturbing.

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Another thing - Peter Thiel's companies ban employees from social media, ensure they don't watch any television, read approved information, are within short commuting distance from work. Failure to comply with any of these requirements leads to.... dismissal. It's a contract.

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I recall reading that Elon Musk stated that any employees who asked to continue working from home would be fired, and 'expected' staff to not go home throughout the convideo and to sleep on the factory floor in order to get his nasty EV cars out.

Sounds to me to like a slave plantation (but what would I know?)

Found an article here from the searches, below:


Or type 'musk working from home employees fired' or 'musk employees sleep in factory' into your favourite corporate search engine.

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It did seem to be a bad habit Mr Musk imported from South Africa. Oddly, he left there when he was a mere child - so it's unclear how the plantation thing took hold.

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Maybe he learned about it from King Gezo (circa 1840, Africa) "The slave trade is the ruling principle of my people. It is the source and the glory of their wealth…the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery…" ?

Source (BBC): http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/africa/features/storyofafrica/9chapter2.shtml

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Jul 18Liked by Miri AF

Miri, regarding the ‘feckless poor’, I have a family member who is long-term unemployed. Never had a job in his 30+ years and probably never will. However, he is on ‘Universal’ Credit, commonly known as ‘the dole’.

I was particularly concerned about him – and others who were in a similar situation - during the first lock-ups of 2020/21. I harboured this concern because, by being dependent upon the welfare state, I thought that they could be an easy, vulnerable target for the state/c19 regime to suddenly make a demand of – no vaccination, no benefits (especially when you consider the messages being pumped out later to NHS staff & other ‘essential’ workers). Anyhow, I told my family member that if this message was ever made to him, to get in touch with me before he did anything…

However, nothing. Absolutely no demands were made on them. They did not even have to go to the Jobcentres during this period to ‘sign-on’ – benefits were automatically posted to their bank accounts every two weeks until the fiasco was over.

Does anyone here have any thoughts as to why this cohort were left alone (despite everything going on at the time)? I feared that they would have had some pressure applied, but nothing at all happened? Weird? Or was I over-thinking the scenario?

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Jul 18Liked by Miri AF

Perhaps getting people used to going on the dole without a hitch and then when hitch needed connecting, it'll be no problem at all to get them down to grocery store for their poison. It was so easy the first time and the second time, well, all you need to do is get this poison injected and your digital bank will be full once again.

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Jul 19Liked by Miri AF

Great point. Perhaps the regime knows already how it will deal with the 'benefit cohort' in the future, so they did not need to interfere with them during the 2020/21 test-run.

I did wonder whether the regime might have feared a bigger push-back if they had started pushing the unemployed around - and so decided to leave them alone. However, recalling how the 'conservatives' treated very disabled people back during those mass work capability assessments (WCA) during the middle of the last decade, then they do know that these vulnerable people will just roll over...

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Jul 20·edited Jul 21

Yes and it has already given the millennial generation no cause to want to work as well as the desire for UBI. (And I don't mean the whole generation, but a good part of it.)

"Woo hoo, I can do what I want and get paid for it." That is....until.....

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Yes, it appears so. At the end of 2023 for Yule and New Year’s, I decided to have a get-a-away in Helsinki (my first holiday in 5 years) to get over the lock-up stress...

On New Year's Eve I bumped into two fellow Englishmen in their mid-20s in Molly Malone's bar. We got talking and they revealed that they had both been 'on furlough' for two years, and they both appeared to be quite smug and happy about it, almost like they had achieved something (i.e. not working, but getting financed for it).

I tried prodding them to join the dots, asking whether getting free money to buy off their opinions and keep them at home not working during the scamdemic was really a good thing? My opinions appeared to irk them, and their friendliness slowly broke down. They eventually shrank back into their zombie-phones scrolling through football news. They didn't even say goodbye to me when I left... did I hit a raw nerve?

Well, what was most interesting, was that they were both clearly middle-class, and they both could clearly afford to 'take a break' in Helsinki for New Year (probably regardless of the booty of the furlough money which they had been awarded).

I've noticed this more and more over the past two decades - the slow shifting of the middle-classes over onto welfare too. It started with 'tax credits'. It's not just for the 'feckless poor' and the underclasses anymore. "UBI" will definitely sound more attractive even to the middle-classes too.

Why can they not see what is happening?

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Miri AF

I agree with Farleyboy. That was the trial round to see how responsive or not we all were. Next time could be the real thing. UBI obviously gives them more control, not always in obvious ways.

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It did feel that the entire episode of 2020/21 was an exercise for the regime to test where the weak points were in the culture/society/system in order for them to roll out full TEST, TRACK & TRACE. Now they have much more information and insight into where resistance will come from and how to deal with it in their next possible attempt...

I was also very suspicious how, in forcing everyone to stay at home (just for three weeks to flatten their fake curve!), that they could now model how the world and society can function when 2/3rds of the people are just no longer there. They will also now have that data/information to model their 'new world' on. Those 'lock-downs' also possibly served as a temporary 'depopulation' simulation/exercise.

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Jul 18Liked by Miri AF

Thank you Miri for this in-depth information and for shining the light.

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Dear Miri AF, this article has started to work on me...

Print and audio in the context of the era - these were the fastest way to get information during the 1600s-1900s and middle of the last century respectively - also immersed the user. Remember the printing press was the equivalent of the internet, making scripts faster and cheaper than the previous labour intensive approaches, so immediately spreading the word. It was viciously opposed by those who sought to control news - until the output was so widespread the masses learnt to read.

Video - especially terrestrial broadcast - is now over. The relevance is lost, the delusion of those broadcasting is very evident.

Those who seek to rule always want control over who says what when. Hence the crude land grab of social media by almost every Western administration (pay lots of tax or we ban / take over...).

Modern politics is all about the immediate and shallow - the UK is sunk with debt, has serious policy issues, huge tax cash economy and very little works regardless of cost. This is fertile ground for change. Politics as practiced by liberal elites is in the same position as all those televisual buffoons. History.

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Jul 18Liked by Miri AF

Great article!

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Jul 18Liked by Miri AF

Thank you Miri, you always put things so aptly (in ALL of your postings) that I can only agree.....of course this is what is going to happen. All of a sudden this JD guy appears and boom, he's in.

Not to mention, he owns millions in crypto as well as claiming that the wage losses in the US are due to China (of course, China) in efforts to build it's middle class!!!! (at 7:40 in this informative vid:


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This is my third post. Having now read the link Miri referred to which I thought was honest and genuine. Having read further articles and watched a video from Redacted with Whitney Webb I think the proven links JDV has to Mr Thiel and others are distinctly unhealthy. I have totally changed my mind.

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I have now read the article by JDV in the Light magazine where he credits Peter Thiel as being a big influence on his life. It comes across to me as honest and transparent.

I hope his religious sentiments ( I prefer to call them that as his theological views are IMO confused) translate into concern for people. A difficult thing to attain for a party politician.

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