The problem with being a conspiracy theorist these days - well, apart from the societal-wide ridicule, the tyrannical state harassment, and the propensity to run out of tin foil - is that you can't take a single day off without coming back to literal World War Three...
I am not theologically trained (probably a good thing for me) but I view worldwide events through a Bible prophecy perspective. That does not mean I dismiss Miri's comments and observations. Not at all. The scenario I see is a spiritual war between God the creator and satan (and his acolytes) as an evil usurper, who will be utterly defeated. Actually the war is won but there are some battles still to go. Evil has its allies who are orchestrating things but He who knows the end from the beginning is not taken by surprise. I think Miri's analysis for the west/UK is sadly very likely.
Dr Naomi Wolf has solid information on who is funding the invasion of the border in the US. It is the UN and the White House. I think the UK is acting in a comparable way as Miri demonstrates. I live in a town with large ugly student blocks. I have a foreboding like Miri as to their use.
The "welcomers" in Stoke (and probaby in many other towns) are in for a surprise I am sure. But saying anything that might suggest a problem down the road would be regarded as "mean and "hurtful" to these wonderful new citizens (no such thing as illegal??).
Protestors against the big "I" in the US are not realizing what trouble they are creating. Shutting down bridges and creating havoc to people just wanting to go to work is a bit outrageous. Perhaps they are being placed there?
You most likely have seen what happened to Riddhi Patel, the woman who offended that California city council by telling them they will be murdered. Not a very bright thing to say at all. She will do time for that for sure.
Thank you, Farleyboy, and yes, I'm afraid you are right - a lot of nasty surprises in store for those who have supported the invasion. In revolutions, those who supported the conquering faction are often the first thrown under the bus (as per Iran 1979).
I hadn't heard of Riddhi Patel but looked her up - does look as if it could be a bit performative / staged.... when these things get international press attention (it's headline news in the UK's Daily Mail), one has to wonder...
One further thing I've thought of is that if a whole host ('army') of foreign single men of an entirely different culture (a mysogenistic one) were put up in my town, I (as a female) would be very nervous about going out alone, especially at night. You wouldn't want your young daughters (or sons) going out alone, would you?
Indeed Priscilla, and I have made this point before - even if they're not soldiers, importing hordes of single young men from such radically different cultures, is still a huge threat to the host society, women and girls in particular.
Excellent article, Miri. Like some of the commentators below, I try to live by the Bible and trust in God’s ultimate rescue (not necessarily avoiding death) of those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their saviour. It is definitely a spiritual war (God versus Satan), which is why ultimately Satan’s particular vitriol will be reserved for true Christians. But the path we’ll have to tread before we get to the time of the new heavens and new earth may not be very pleasant. Many may not survive. Which is why we need Christ. I pray I will be kept strong in him.
WHY don't you dare to say that Iran did NOT attack Israel, whose major war tactic is FALSE FLAG EVENTS - to "justify" new REAL events - on another embassy for instance? Jon Rappoport (Substack) makes the case for this today, and does it so well that I can only agree. Why are there NO reports about all the debris from 320 shot down missiles etc. which would indeed wreak havoc on the ground, no photos of damaged buildings, nothing, just quite amateurish footages of the "attack". This really look like another psyop.
It has been obvious that “The Science” has posed as a religion in using the terminology of science but surreptitiously adding a fundamentalist veneer by removing some of the essential characteristics e.g. the openness to opposing theories, the constant updating etc. Another overlap between this pseudo-scientific religion and the more familiar religions of the past is the existence of a specialist jargon which can only be understood by a “priestly caste” which in the case of “The Science” amounted to interminable pages of charts, graphs, formulae, symbols, polysyllabic nomenclature etc.
However, the down side about any scam involving pretensions of a scientific attitude is that, unlike regular religions, it cannot indefinitely prolong the one set of mores. Though it is interesting how those masks seem to be sneaking back via numerous “protests”.
Thanks, Anne, and yes I broadly agree. The script writers can manipulate people by making it appear as if certain prophecies are coming true, and it requires a huge amount of vigilance and discernment to be aware of when they're doing this. It's a very difficult area to navigate.
Everything was going swimmingly well for the USSA, in the early days; concerning Iran.
They had the Shah of Iran up and running [Mid 50s] and had powered up the Country
with nuclear and other sources. It was all Hunky Dory. Then it went pear shaped,
[late seventies]. Was it constucted as such.? Was it Handbags at dawn with Israel.?
Because it's easy to still see a shit load of shenanigans going off in the Middle East,
at any given time, or date on the calendar.
The UAE/Saudi Arabia/Egypt/Israel/Amerika/France, and Grande Bretagne Are normally to be
seen holding hands under the United Nations conference tables: wheeling and dealing.
And always - it's Iran, Syria, Yemen Lebanon[?] Iraq [under control] Afghanistan
[Slightly sorted] even, technically Pakistan, who're considered to be the Bad Boys.
I recall Turkey, And Recep Tayyip [when it suits me: rough english translation] Erdogan,
having 1.75 million 'refugees' mostly young men; in holding camps, some in Greece as well,
[this is a conservative estimate, probably more], in 2015-16 round about 'Brexit time',
being paid to be held in those camps by the EU, basically until they were ready to
export them to various European countries. Merkel took 800,000 into Germany:
Sweden were forced to take nearly a million in a couple years. And boy, did it take
long for the proverbial to hit the fan... [that'll be a no, then]
Deffo orchestrated and planned and highly organised, and by bigger players
than just mere 'Politicians'- EU or otherwise.
Just my opinion, and a personal observation; that the left - right paradigm, The Wokery
Vs the Right leaning type scenario, is also constructed and mega fabricated.. Again, by
feudalist bankers and NGO's, along with hugely nefarious behind the scenes Institutions
and unelected organisations; who're super keen to have us dead or, at least in a state
of high anxiety and suffering...
so to that end: Andrew Tate is as much of a puppet as say, Sir[?] Keir Starmer, or Kermit
the Frog. And, Jordan Peterson is almost a cartoon-esque type character, designed to keep
us all at each others throats. As for Candace Owens, like AOC [supposedly different sides
of the fence, but two cheeks of the same ass, in my opinion??!] I always thought they were
both hired from Acting agencies, fairly poor ones, at that. Shapiro Too..
Its such a massive construct. And all designed to wind us up to the max. I may be wrong
here [gosh, I am usually].. but I don't think Saudi Arabia or Israel are 'housing' very many
[Good article mate, certainly got me off the 'naughty step']
I noticed that the world stock markets did not wobble at all the day after the "attacks" when would normally expect carnage.
I am not theologically trained (probably a good thing for me) but I view worldwide events through a Bible prophecy perspective. That does not mean I dismiss Miri's comments and observations. Not at all. The scenario I see is a spiritual war between God the creator and satan (and his acolytes) as an evil usurper, who will be utterly defeated. Actually the war is won but there are some battles still to go. Evil has its allies who are orchestrating things but He who knows the end from the beginning is not taken by surprise. I think Miri's analysis for the west/UK is sadly very likely.
Dr Naomi Wolf has solid information on who is funding the invasion of the border in the US. It is the UN and the White House. I think the UK is acting in a comparable way as Miri demonstrates. I live in a town with large ugly student blocks. I have a foreboding like Miri as to their use.
I wonder what the world would be like if former UK Labour Party leader John Smith hadn’t died in 1994…
Exceptional Miri!
The "welcomers" in Stoke (and probaby in many other towns) are in for a surprise I am sure. But saying anything that might suggest a problem down the road would be regarded as "mean and "hurtful" to these wonderful new citizens (no such thing as illegal??).
Protestors against the big "I" in the US are not realizing what trouble they are creating. Shutting down bridges and creating havoc to people just wanting to go to work is a bit outrageous. Perhaps they are being placed there?
You most likely have seen what happened to Riddhi Patel, the woman who offended that California city council by telling them they will be murdered. Not a very bright thing to say at all. She will do time for that for sure.
Thank you, Farleyboy, and yes, I'm afraid you are right - a lot of nasty surprises in store for those who have supported the invasion. In revolutions, those who supported the conquering faction are often the first thrown under the bus (as per Iran 1979).
I hadn't heard of Riddhi Patel but looked her up - does look as if it could be a bit performative / staged.... when these things get international press attention (it's headline news in the UK's Daily Mail), one has to wonder...
One further thing I've thought of is that if a whole host ('army') of foreign single men of an entirely different culture (a mysogenistic one) were put up in my town, I (as a female) would be very nervous about going out alone, especially at night. You wouldn't want your young daughters (or sons) going out alone, would you?
Indeed Priscilla, and I have made this point before - even if they're not soldiers, importing hordes of single young men from such radically different cultures, is still a huge threat to the host society, women and girls in particular.
Excellent article, Miri. Like some of the commentators below, I try to live by the Bible and trust in God’s ultimate rescue (not necessarily avoiding death) of those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their saviour. It is definitely a spiritual war (God versus Satan), which is why ultimately Satan’s particular vitriol will be reserved for true Christians. But the path we’ll have to tread before we get to the time of the new heavens and new earth may not be very pleasant. Many may not survive. Which is why we need Christ. I pray I will be kept strong in him.
WHY don't you dare to say that Iran did NOT attack Israel, whose major war tactic is FALSE FLAG EVENTS - to "justify" new REAL events - on another embassy for instance? Jon Rappoport (Substack) makes the case for this today, and does it so well that I can only agree. Why are there NO reports about all the debris from 320 shot down missiles etc. which would indeed wreak havoc on the ground, no photos of damaged buildings, nothing, just quite amateurish footages of the "attack". This really look like another psyop.
If you had actually read the entire article, you would see I said exactly that.
It has been obvious that “The Science” has posed as a religion in using the terminology of science but surreptitiously adding a fundamentalist veneer by removing some of the essential characteristics e.g. the openness to opposing theories, the constant updating etc. Another overlap between this pseudo-scientific religion and the more familiar religions of the past is the existence of a specialist jargon which can only be understood by a “priestly caste” which in the case of “The Science” amounted to interminable pages of charts, graphs, formulae, symbols, polysyllabic nomenclature etc.
However, the down side about any scam involving pretensions of a scientific attitude is that, unlike regular religions, it cannot indefinitely prolong the one set of mores. Though it is interesting how those masks seem to be sneaking back via numerous “protests”.
Thanks, Anne, and yes I broadly agree. The script writers can manipulate people by making it appear as if certain prophecies are coming true, and it requires a huge amount of vigilance and discernment to be aware of when they're doing this. It's a very difficult area to navigate.